Members of Japan's idol group “Virtual Currency Girls” wearing cryptocurrency-themed masks perform in their debut stage in Tokyo, Japan, January 12, 2018. Japan and South Korea are home to some of the bigger digital exchanges, with investors piling in as growth in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies soared last year, provoking regulators' concerns. (Photo by Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)

Members of Japan's idol group “Virtual Currency Girls” wearing cryptocurrency-themed masks perform in their debut stage in Tokyo, Japan, January 12, 2018. Japanese female idols have teamed up to form the ‘Virtual Currency Girls’ group to promote the knowledge of cryptocurrencies through entertainment. Each of its 8 members represents a cryptocurrency: bitcoin cash, bitcoin, ether, neo, nem, ripple, mona, and cardano. (Photo by Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)
15 Jan 2018 03:15:00
Claudia Gadelha (L) of Brazil fights with Jessica Aguilar of Mexico during their Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) match, a professional mixed martial arts (MMA) competition in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 1, 2015. (Photo by Ricardo Moraes/Reuters)

Claudia Gadelha (L) of Brazil fights with Jessica Aguilar of Mexico during their Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) match, a professional mixed martial arts (MMA) competition in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 1, 2015. (Photo by Ricardo Moraes/Reuters)
03 Aug 2015 12:36:00
Members of the Bolivian combined forces of army and police rest at their headquarters at the end of their ceremony for the task of fighting against drugs and the eradication of coca leaves in Chimore, east of La Paz, December 10, 2014. The government of Bolivia's President Evo Morales eradicated some 11,000 hectares of illegal coca plants and confiscated nearly 192 tons of drugs in 2014, according to the local media. (Photo by David Mercado/Reuters)

Members of the Bolivian combined forces of army and police rest at their headquarters at the end of their ceremony for the task of fighting against drugs and the eradication of coca leaves in Chimore, east of La Paz, December 10, 2014. The government of Bolivia's President Evo Morales eradicated some 11,000 hectares of illegal coca plants and confiscated nearly 192 tons of drugs in 2014, according to the local media. (Photo by David Mercado/Reuters)
12 Dec 2014 13:10:00
Students from Langata primary school run past riot police as they protest against a perimeter wall illegally erected by a private developer around their school playground in Kenya's capital Nairobi January 19, 2015. (Photo by Thomas Mukoya/Reuters)

Students from Langata primary school run past riot police as they protest against a perimeter wall illegally erected by a private developer around their school playground in Kenya's capital Nairobi January 19, 2015. Riot police used teargas to disperse students at a school in Nairobi as the children protested against the potential loss of their playground. The playground was fenced off in December, during the school holidays, by a prominent developer who also claims ownership of the land. The title to the contested site is said to be in the name of Airport View Housing Limited, according to local media, with plans to use the space to build a parking lot for a hotel. (Photo by Thomas Mukoya/Reuters)
20 Jan 2015 13:04:00
Young people fight for  fun with their pillows, during the International Pillow Fight Day at the Place des Grottes, in Geneva, Switzerland, Saturday, April 4, 2015. (Photo by Salvatore Di Nolfi/AP Photo/Keystone)

Young people fight for fun with their pillows, during the International Pillow Fight Day at the Place des Grottes, in Geneva, Switzerland, Saturday, April 4, 2015. The annual International Pillow Fight Day takes place in hundreds of cities around the world. (Photo by Salvatore Di Nolfi/AP Photo/Keystone)
05 Apr 2015 11:28:00
Members of the “Familia Gladiatoria Carnuntina” fight in the historic amphitheatre during the Roman Festival at the archeological site of Carnuntum in Petronell, Austria, June 11, 2016. (Photo by Leonhard Foeger/Reuters)

Members of the “Familia Gladiatoria Carnuntina” fight in the historic amphitheatre during the Roman Festival at the archeological site of Carnuntum in Petronell, Austria, June 11, 2016. (Photo by Leonhard Foeger/Reuters)
13 Jun 2016 11:14:00
The elephant is seen charging at the hyenas to ward them off its offspring. (Photo by Jayesh Mehta/Caters News)

Elephant fights off hyenas to save baby. “This is the incredible moment an elephant came to the rescue of one of its babies being attacked by a pack of hyenas. The elephant is seen charging at the hyenas to ward them off its offspring. The photos were captured by American photographer Jayesh Mehta, 47, in the Savuti region of the Chobe National Park in Botswana”. Photo: The elephant is seen charging at the hyenas to ward them off its offspring. (Photo by Jayesh Mehta/Caters News)
29 May 2015 16:05:00
Taking the fight to them...

Taking the fight to them... (Photo by Mark Frost)
01 Oct 2012 10:11:00