Venus the Chimera Cat

Venus is not necessarily a chimera, or an animal whose cells contain two sets of DNA caused when two embryos fuse together during development. But to find out for sure whether or not Venus is a chimera, she’d need to perform genetic testing.
24 Oct 2012 08:58:00
Loki Dracula Cat

A cat Loki with a pair of distinctive fangs has quickly become one of the most famous felines on Instagram thanks to evil-looking face. Loki, who now has more than 23,000 followers online, was adopted from a cat shelter by her owner Kaet, who explained on in a posting that she knows very little about the cat’s distinctive appearance. Adopted from a cat shelter, nothing was mentioned to his owner Kaet about her kitten's unique features.
23 Aug 2015 09:16:00
Khan, a five-year-old male White Bengal tiger, looks on inside an open-air cage at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, October 21, 2016. (Photo by Ilya Naymushin/Reuters)

Khan, a five-year-old male White Bengal tiger, looks on inside an open-air cage at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, October 21, 2016. (Photo by Ilya Naymushin/Reuters)
22 Oct 2016 10:23:00
“Bazooka”, a one year old stray cat, is treated at the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 January 2016. Bazooka arrived at the clinic in critical condition after he went through severe abuse with bruises all over his body and painted with pink oxidation. (Photo by Abir Sultan/EPA)

“Bazooka”, a one year old stray cat, is treated at the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 January 2016. Bazooka arrived at the clinic in critical condition after he went through severe abuse with bruises all over his body and painted with pink oxidation. The Israeli street cat population is estimated to be about two million. Without enough financial support from the state, animal rights organizations find it difficult to keep the up with the pace when it comes to spaying and neutering feral cats, causing the population to grow. (Photo by Abir Sultan/EPA)
27 Jan 2016 13:17:00
Cat Bags By Pico

These cat hand bags are painstakingly crafted by Pico, a Japanese housewife who loves cats. The difficulty in making these bags means that they often aren’t available, and when they are, they’re only sold on Yahoo! Auction Japan. How much do bags like these go for? The three-color cat below ended up selling for about 700 USD!
21 Oct 2015 09:02:00
Sygmond The Grey Majestic Cat

Meet Sygmond the grey. He had the face of a king when he was a kitten. This majestic cat is even fluffier today fully grown and whenever he goes, he makes it epic.
01 Apr 2014 14:43:00
Using his friend’s cat as a muse and supplying several variations of catnip – an herb that can causes cats to enter a state of bliss for up to two hours – the neuroscience graduate captured some laugh-out-loud results. (Photo by Andrew Marttila/Caters News Agency)

Full-time feline photographer Andrew Marttila from Washington, D.C., captured blissful expressions of various cats on catnip, which he used to compile a book, “Cats on Catnip”. The photographer dedicated his time to capturing the euphoric expressions of kitties high on catnip – and the results are absolutely hilarious. (Photo by Andrew Marttila/Caters News Agency)
04 Jul 2018 00:03:00
Shironeko, The Relaxed Cat Part 1

Shironeko, also known as “Basket Cat”, is a Turkish van cat called “Shiro”, which is best known for his extremely relaxed demeanor and ability to balance things on his head, similar to Oolong the Pancake Bunny. The cat has been given several nicknames by its fans, most notably “Basket Cat” and “Zen Cat.”
07 Apr 2014 11:56:00