Anatomy And Roses By MizEnScen

Los Angeles based MizEnScen is obsessed with doing this. This very cryptic artist is a digital collage/illustration artist who cuts and pastes what looks like imagery from old, forgotten academic texts. She takes them and layers them atop of each other to make sometimes silly portraits to beautifully textured florals growing out of bones.
12 Oct 2014 09:51:00
Dogs and Children

It’s the topic of one never-ending conundrum — do dogs look like their owners? If this is indeed true, do dogs grow to mimic their owners, or do owners choose a dog in their own image? It’s great when science confirms something we already instinctively know. According to a U.S. study, it’s official — dogs do look like their owners.
25 Aug 2012 12:33:00
Illustrations Out Of Clouds By Martin Feijoo

Few things are more beautiful than puffy white clouds floating in the bright blue sky. Do you remember the time when you would lay on the soft green grass, look up at the sky, and try to recognize shapes in the clouds floating overhead? Wasn’t it wonderful, just lying there, letting the wind caress your skin, as you imagine that the clouds in the sky are actually mystical or not-so-mystical creatures? Dragons, ducks, teddy bears, dinosaurs, everything was up there. It was good old times. As adults we forget about simple pleasures of life. However, an Argentinian artist Martin Feijoo didn’t forget those times, and took them a step further. After imagining what a particular cloud looks like, he draws that particular shape over the picture of the cloud, allowing the entire world to see what goes on in his mind. (Photo by Martin Feijoo)
02 Nov 2014 10:44:00
At the dead of night, the photographer – known to his Instagram followers as Dark Cyanide – heads out to look for hidden gems, like abandoned stations, provisions and tunnels. His intriguing images feature vibrant streaks, graffiti, and tight framing – and by adding individuals to some to some of shots, he is also able to depict the incredible scale of some of the tunnels. The photographer, 19, admitted what he and his friends do is highly dangerous, illegal, and he does not recommend others attempt to explore such tunnels. Here: Unnamed subway track in New York City. (Photo by Dark Cyanide/Caters News)

At the dead of night, the photographer – known to his Instagram followers as Dark Cyanide – heads out to look for hidden gems, like abandoned stations, provisions and tunnels. His intriguing images feature vibrant streaks, graffiti, and tight framing – and by adding individuals to some to some of shots, he is also able to depict the incredible scale of some of the tunnels. Here: Unnamed subway track in New York City. (Photo by Dark Cyanide/Caters News)
29 Jan 2016 12:45:00
Villa Del Priorato Di Malta - Secrets In Rome

What do you imagine when you look through a key hole? Do you imagine seeing a Wonderland with a sinister Queen of Heart ruling over a magical kingdom? Or you might imagine an eye staring back at you, if you’re a fan of horror movies. Least of all do you expect seeing a picturesque view of St. Peter’s Dome, perfectly framed by green hedges. Is it a lucky coincidence, or was it intended by the maker? We might never know. However, this became a curious sightseeing spot for many tourists who visit Rome. Thus, if you’re ever in the area of Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta, be sure to peep into this key hole.
27 Oct 2014 11:40:00
Funny Selfies By Helene Meldahl

The time of selfies with duck faces is long gone and ridiculed, though some persist in doing it. Helene Meldahl, however, didn’t want to give up the trend, but had to think of a creative way to keep doing it. So she decided to create comical pictures by drawing over the selfies that she has made. Some people just can’t stop taking pictures of themselves. It makes you wonder, what they would do in an era before the existence of cameras… Oh, poor souls, they would definitely suffer greatly without the possibility of sharing on instagram their “stunning looks” and the pictures of food that they eat every 2 seconds. (Photo by Helene Meldahl)
07 Nov 2014 12:31:00
“Show Time”. It's a normal behavior of mantis. They're doing defence. When they're afraid of; raising their arms and spreading their wings. They looks like smiling dancer. Photo location: Nicosia, Cyprus. (Photo and caption by Hasan Baglar/National Geographic Photo Contest)

“Show Time”. It's a normal behavior of mantis. They're doing defence. When they're afraid of; raising their arms and spreading their wings. They looks like smiling dancer. Photo location: Nicosia, Cyprus. (Photo and caption by Hasan Baglar/National Geographic Photo Contest)
28 Oct 2014 13:01:00
Nightjars And Pooto Bird

Potoos (family Nyctibiidae) are a group of near passerine birds related to the nightjars and frogmouths. They are sometimes called Poor-me-ones, after their haunting calls. There are seven species in one genus, Nyctibius, in tropical Central and South America.
These are nocturnal insectivores which lack the bristles around the mouth found in the true nightjars. They hunt from a perch like a shrike or flycatcher. During the day they perch upright on tree stumps, camouflaged to look like part of the stump. The single spotted egg is laid directly on the top of a stump.
20 Jan 2014 14:34:00