
Billie Eilish – bad guy (Official Music Video)
26 Nov 2019 00:01:00
Billy The Cat

How love of Billy the stray cat has finally brought four-year-old autistic boy out of his shell. Billy has made a complete difference to the family home, bringing happiness and an air of calm. The four-year-old, who is autistic, easily became overwhelmed by everyday events, resulting in tears and temper tantrums.
Then Billy the stray cat came along. Abandoned by his previous owner and rescued from a boarded-up council house by a charity, he had not had the easiest start to life.
05 Feb 2013 12:25:00
Human Billboard Billy Gibby

Billy Gibby is a boxer, and frankly he has no chance of ever becoming world star in the sport. That's why Billy Gibby decided to earn some $$ by branding his body. He turned his skin into a billboard where everyone is welcome to advertise their website. GoldenPalace paid $21,000 to put a tattoo of their website on his back. Billy Gibby has gone even further recently and changed his name to Hostgator dot com
23 Mar 2013 13:59:00

“The Lockheed Martin X-33 is an unmanned, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government-funded Space Launch Initiative program”. – Wikipedia

Photo: An Artist's Rendering Shows How Nasa's X-33 Technology Demonstrator, A Cost-Cutting Fully Reusable Single-Stage-To-Orbit Space Vehicle, Will Look Upon Completion. The 67 Foot-Long, 278,600 Pound, Twin Engine Space Vehicle, Capable Of Reaching Speeds In Excess Of Mach 15, Will Lead To The Construction Of A 127 Foot-Long, 2,186,000 Pound Version With Seven Engines And A 50,000 Pound Payload Capacity Called The “Venturestar”. (Photo By Nasa/Getty Images)
22 Mar 2011 12:05:00
A villager jumps during “Los Sidros y Las Comedias”, a traditional festival in Spain's northern village of Valdesoto, January 8, 2017. (Photo by Eloy Alonso/Reuters)

A villager jumps during “Los Sidros y Las Comedias”, a traditional festival in Spain's northern village of Valdesoto, January 8, 2017. (Photo by Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
10 Jan 2017 13:31:00
Actress Marilyn Monroe poses for a portrait in a bathing suit and high heels with a bottle of Coca-Cola in a glass on a table behind her in circa 1953. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

Actress Marilyn Monroe poses for a portrait in a bathing suit and high heels with a bottle of Coca-Cola in a glass on a table behind her in circa 1953. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
30 Dec 2016 10:47:00
An x-ray of a woman drinking, taken by British artist and photographer Hugh Turvey in London, England. (Photo by Hugh Turvey/SPL/Barcroft Media)

An x-ray of a woman drinking, taken by British artist and photographer Hugh Turvey in London, England. (Photo by Hugh Turvey/SPL/Barcroft Media)
14 Feb 2014 09:52:00
“Chameleon and Begonia”. (Photo by Arie van't Riet)

Physicist Arie van't Riet uses a series of duel X-ray cameras to capture flowers, plants and small animals in living dioramas. The x-rays are then finished and colorized in Photoshop. Giving way to some breathtaking nature scenes. Photo: “Chameleon and Begonia”. (Photo by Arie van't Riet)
13 Mar 2014 05:45:00