We already wrote about the Russian “Serebro” trio. Good trio, passionate. We recommend you their last music video. Very fierily (but don't show to children). Have a nice weekend! And... God bless Russia! %)
American singer-songwriter Billie Eilish, American rapper Lizzo and models Bella and Gigi Hadid had a bit of fun inside the gala on May 2, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Lizzo/Instagram)
“Spare bits = spare bots. Time on hands + obsession with uselessness = make trivial things. Made from capacitors, diodes, resistors, leds, bits of wire, solder, and time...” – Lenny & Meriel. Photo: “9V tragedy”. (Photo by Lenny&Meriel)
U.S. Corporal Stanley Suski, left, and Miss Tamako, a Geisha girl, whirl a bit of Jitterbug, in a bar, in Tokyo, Japan, on October 1, 1945. (Photo by AP Photo)
Just when you thought you had seen it all…Lithuanian artist, Severija Incirauskaite-Kriauneviciene drives up in this. This woman is comfortable around a drill bit and a sewing kit. Back it up and park it.