A Kazakh hunter has taken an eaglet from the nest, given it pride of place in their home and trained it. All hunters describe the eagle as part of their family. (Photo by Palani Mohan)

Kazakh nomads have been grazing their livestock in Mongolia for hundreds of years. Fascinated by the bond between hunter and eagle, photographer Palani Mohan has spent the last few years documenting the burkitshi. Mohan's photos of the landscape, isolation of the hunt, and most of all the trusting relationship between man and bird, convey the importance that the eagle plays in their lives. (Photo by Palani Mohan)
11 Jan 2016 08:03:00
A young hunter rests next to his tamed golden eagle during an annual hunters competition at Almaty hippodrome, Kazakhstan February 9, 2018. (Photo by Shamil Zhumatov/Reuters)

A young hunter rests next to his tamed golden eagle during an annual hunters competition at Almaty hippodrome, Kazakhstan February 9, 2018. (Photo by Shamil Zhumatov/Reuters)
16 Feb 2018 00:03:00
Fine Horses And Fierce Eagles Are The wings Of The Kazakh

The Kazakhs are the descendants of Turkic, Mongolic and Indo-Iranian tribes and Huns that populated the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea. They are a semi-nomadic people and have roamed the mountains and valleys of western Mongolia with their herds since the 19th century. The ancient art of eagle hunting is one of many traditions and skills that the Kazakhs have, in recent decades, been able to hold on to. They rely on their clan and herds, believing in pre-Islamic cults of the sky, the ancestors, fire and the supernatural forces of good and evil spirits.
20 Feb 2014 12:12:00
13 year old Irka Bolen with his eagle. Tradition wise, when a boy turns 13, then are strong enough to hold the weight of a fully grown eagle. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)

These stunning photographs show the changing face of a majestic centuries old Kazakh pastime tradition that still lives in the lands of mongolia – eagle hunters. Photo: 13 year old Irka Bolen with his eagle. Tradition wise, when a boy turns 13, then are strong enough to hold the weight of a fully grown eagle. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
20 Apr 2014 10:33:00
A dead red-tailed monkey hangs by its tail above the ground, in order to keep it away from ants, in the forest near the city of Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of the Congo, April 5, 2019. Bushmeat hunters are emptying Central Africa's forests at a high rate, researchers say. A growing appetite for wild meat in cities has ramped up the scale of hunting. Research shows around 6 million tonnes of bushmeat are sourced annually from the Congo Basin, whose forest spans across six countries and is second in size only to the Amazon. (Photo by Thomas Nicolon/Reuters)

A dead red-tailed monkey hangs by its tail above the ground, in order to keep it away from ants, in the forest near the city of Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of the Congo, April 5, 2019. Bushmeat hunters are emptying Central Africa's forests at a high rate, researchers say. A growing appetite for wild meat in cities has ramped up the scale of hunting. Research shows around 6 million tonnes of bushmeat are sourced annually from the Congo Basin, whose forest spans across six countries and is second in size only to the Amazon. (Photo by Thomas Nicolon/Reuters)
14 Oct 2019 00:03:00
A Chinese ethnic Lisu honey hunter holds a large piece of wax from a hive while gathering wild cliff honey in a gorge on May 10, 2019 near Mangshi, in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province China. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

A Chinese ethnic Lisu honey hunter holds a large piece of wax from a hive while gathering wild cliff honey in a gorge on May 10, 2019 near Mangshi, in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province China. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)
08 Jun 2019 00:01:00
Hunter Chiaki Kodama guts a deer in a shed in Oi, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, November 17, 2016. (Photo by Thomas Peter/Reuters)

Hunter Chiaki Kodama guts a deer in a shed in Oi, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, November 17, 2016. A small but growing number of Japanese women enter the male-dominated world of hunting, where it was once taboo for men to even speak to a woman before going on a hunt. (Photo by Thomas Peter/Reuters)
24 Dec 2016 09:55:00
Jan Agha, 49, an Afghan hunter, tries to catch his crane at a field in Bagram, Parwan province, Afghanistan on April 10, 2019. (Photo by Mohammad Ismail/Reuters)

Jan Agha, 49, an Afghan hunter, tries to catch his crane at a field in Bagram, Parwan province, Afghanistan on April 10, 2019. As the early morning light breaks over the plain north of Kabul, bird hunter Jan Agha checks his snares as he has done for the past 30 years, hoping to catch a crane, using a tethered bird to lure others down to the nets. (Photo by Mohammad Ismail/Reuters)
17 Apr 2019 00:05:00