These stunning photographs show the changing face of a majestic centuries old Kazakh pastime tradition that still lives in the lands of mongolia – eagle hunters. The pictures focus on 13-year-old Irka Bolen – who is being trained to work with these birds of prey (golden eagles). Set in the beautifully mountains of Bayan-Ulgii province, in the far west of the open steppes of Mongolia, the photographer centres on Irkas power over the bird. Tradition-wise, only when a boy turns 13, and he’s strong enough to carry the weight of a grown eagle, his father starts training him in the ancient hunting technique. They say, that in the Kazakh tradition, there’s over a thousand ways of training and hunting using the eagle, and each family masters their own special technique.
Photographer Asher Svidensky, holding the camera, taking a shot of a one of the Eagle hunters fathers whilst on horseback, proudly displaying his eagle on his arm. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan. These stunning photographs show the changing face of a majestic centuries old Kazakh pastime tradition that still lives in the lands of mongolia – eagle hunters. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Irka Bolen with his eagle. Tradition wise, when a boy turns 13, then are strong enough to hold the weight of a fully grown eagle. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Irka Bolen with his eagle. Tradition wise, when a boy turns 13, then are strong enough to hold the weight of a fully grown eagle. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
Photographer Asher Svidensky (rear) with 13 year old Ashol Pan) – These stunning photographs show the changing face of a majestic centuries old Kazakh pastime tradition that still lives in the lands of mongolia - eagle hunters. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Irka Bolen with his eagle. Tradition wise, when a boy turns 13, then are strong enough to hold the weight of a fully grown eagle. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Irka Bolen with his horse. Tradition wise, when a boy turns 13, then are strong enough to hold the weight of a fully grown eagle. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
13 year old Ashol Pan with her eagle – Despite her young age, Ashol had the amazing ability to control and be able to caress her eagle, almost as if she had been with it for years. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
These stunning photographs show the changing face of a majestic centuries old Kazakh pastime tradition that still lives in the lands of mongolia – eagle hunters. (Photo by Asher Svidensky/Caters News)
20 Apr 2014 10:33:00,
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