
“The Blitz (from German, “Lightning”) was the sustained strategic bombing of Britain by Nazi Germany between 7 September 1940 and 10 May 1941, during the Second World War. The city of London was bombed by the Luftwaffe for 76 consecutive nights and many towns and cities across the country followed. More than one million London houses were destroyed or damaged, and more than 40,000 civilians were killed, half of them in London”. – Wikipedia

Photo: A fireman attempts to check the flames from a gas explosion, after an air raid in Central London the previous night. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images). 1940
21 Jun 2011 12:08:00
Father Christmas arriving at the Arding and Hobbs store in Clapham Junction, London, 2nd November 1926.  (Photo by H. F. Davis/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Father Christmas arriving at the Arding and Hobbs store in Clapham Junction, London, 2nd November 1926. (Photo by H. F. Davis/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
25 Dec 2014 13:32:00
A model presents a creation at the Sophia Webster presentation during London Fashion Week in London, Britain February 20, 2017. (Photo by Neil Hall/Reuters)

A model presents a creation at the Sophia Webster presentation during London Fashion Week in London, Britain February 20, 2017. (Photo by Neil Hall/Reuters)
22 Feb 2017 00:00:00
A model walks the runway at the Jacob Birge Vision show during London Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2015/16 at Fashion Scout Venue on February 23, 2015 in London, England. (Photo by Ben A. Pruchnie/Getty Images)

A model walks the runway at the Jacob Birge Vision show during London Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2015/16 at Fashion Scout Venue on February 23, 2015 in London, England. (Photo by Ben A. Pruchnie/Getty Images)
25 Feb 2015 09:10:00
A U.S. Marine leads training on a shooting range in France in an undated photo taken during the First World War. (Photo by Reuters/Courtesy Library of Congress)

A U.S. Marine leads training on a shooting range in France in an undated photo taken during the First World War. (Photo by Reuters/Courtesy Library of Congress)
10 Apr 2017 08:55:00
A dancer sanitizes the pole before performing on the outside patio at Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club in Gloucester City, New Jersey, U.S. July 17, 2020. (Photo by Rachel Wisniewski/Reuters)

A dancer sanitizes the pole before performing on the outside patio at Cheerleaders Gentlemen's Club in Gloucester City, New Jersey, U.S. July 17, 2020. (Photo by Rachel Wisniewski/Reuters)
23 Jul 2020 00:01:00
A stranded cat swims through flood water searching for dry land June 16, 2008 in Oakville, Iowa

A stranded cat swims through flood water searching for dry land June 16, 2008 in Oakville, Iowa. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
01 Aug 2011 13:50:00
A soldier poses with a Hythe Mk III Gun Camera during training activities at Ellington Field, Houston, Texas in April of 1918. The Mk III, built to match the size, handling, and weight of a Lewis Gun, was used to train aerial gunners, recording a photograph when the trigger was pulled, for later review, when an instructor could coach trainees on better aiming strategies. (Photo by Harry Kidd/WWI Army Signal Corps Photograph Collection via The Atlantic)

A soldier poses with a Hythe Mk III Gun Camera during training activities at Ellington Field, Houston, Texas in April of 1918. The Mk III, built to match the size, handling, and weight of a Lewis Gun, was used to train aerial gunners, recording a photograph when the trigger was pulled, for later review, when an instructor could coach trainees on better aiming strategies. (Photo by Harry Kidd/WWI Army Signal Corps Photograph Collection via The Atlantic)
27 May 2014 10:48:00