These Eurasian Otters seem ready for any danger as they all stand up on thier hind legs alert to any threats near to the English river bank. Amateur photographer and retired MOD worker Tony Moir, 57, spotted the otters whilst looking for kingfishers to photograph near the river Trent in East Yorkshire, UK. He was able to take just a couple of pictures before the excited animals spotted the photographer and ran away. (Photo by Tony Moir/Solent News)
A protester uses molotov cocktails against riot police during May Day protests on May 1, 2010 in Athens, Greece. (Photo by Milos Bicanski /Getty Images)
The opening of sculptor Carole Feuerman solo outdoor public art show, Sea Idylls, on Park Avenue in NYC on April 27, 2023. The hyperrealistic sculptures in conjunction with Les Galeries Bartoux and Patrons of Park Avenue line the median. (Photo by Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/Rex Features/Shutterstock)
This photo taken late on February 21, 2021 in Milo, near Catania, Sicily, and obtained on February 22, 2021 from Italian news agency Ansa, shows lava flowing along the sides of the southern crater of the Etna volcano as a new eruptive episode of tall lava fountains, known as paroxysm, occurred. (Photo by ANSA/Handout via AFP Photo)
People visit an installation by the American sculptor, Carole Feuerman, during the exhibition of her hyperrealistic sculptures at Pier 17 in the trendy neighbourhood of Seaport in New York City on June 1, 2024. (Photo by Milo Hess/ZUMA Press Wire/Rex Features/Shutterstock)
A 500-pound lion and an 11-pound dog have formed an unlikely friendship, proving that cats and dogs really can get along. Bonedigger the lion and Milo the dachshund live together at Garold Wayne Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood, Okla., along with three other dogs. The puppies were introduced to Bonedigger in 2008 when he was just a 4-week-old cub.