“Bali Pip”. Bali street dog. Had the skin condition mange. (Photo by Alex Cearns/The Guardian)

For her book “Perfect Imperfection”, the Australian pet photographer Alex Cearns set out to capture the personalities of animals who adapt to their damaged or different bodies without complaint. Part of the proceeds from sales of Perfect Imperfection go to the Australian Animal Cancer Foundation. Here: “Bali Pip”. Bali street dog. Had the skin condition mange. (Photo by Alex Cearns/The Guardian)
06 Apr 2018 00:03:00
Perfect Predators: White Sharks

The great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, also known as the great white, white pointer, white shark, or white death, is a species of large lamniform shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. The great white shark is mainly known for its size, with the largest individuals known to have approached or exceeded 6 m (20 ft) in length, and 2,268 kg (5,000 lb) in weight. This shark reaches its maturity around 15 years of age and can have a life span of over 30 years.
01 Apr 2013 10:02:00
A participant performs during the Perfect Pole 2016 pole dance championship in the southern city of Stavropol, Russia, October 22, 2016. (Photo by Eduard Korniyenko/Reuters)

A participant performs during the Perfect Pole 2016 pole dance championship in the southern city of Stavropol, Russia, October 22, 2016. (Photo by Eduard Korniyenko/Reuters)
23 Oct 2016 11:57:00
New Internet Sensation - Cat Circles

Residents of Reddit have found a strange phenomenon. If you make a circle on the floor with anything from tinfoil to scotch tape, the house cat would simply love to sit right in the middle of it. Is it a fake, or do cats actually like sitting in circles on the floor? We cannot answer this question until we test it out ourselves. However, one thing is for sure – cats are curious and adorable creatures that never cease to amaze us. So, if you own a cat, try this experiment yourself, and see if your cat likes to sit in an imaginary circle on the floor.
14 Nov 2014 14:10:00

To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlimited will roll out a campaign to build awareness of the scourge of undrinkable water.
08 Mar 2013 10:25:00
Circle of Friends-Zodiac Heads in Central Park

This past week, Mayor Bloomberg unveiled a new public art installation in Central Park in New York. The installation features bronze sculptures by renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei created titled Circle of Friends/Zodiac Heads.
26 Mar 2015 11:37:00
In this January 11, 2017 photo, Erika Martins uses black electrical tape to create a customer's bikini, in order to attain crisp tan lines, on her rooftop Erika Bronze salon in the suburb of Realengo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Martins wears a microphone connected to an open speaker system in order to direct her assistants to clients who need more tanning lotion or a sprinkling of water on their skin. (Photo by Renata Brito/AP Photo)

In this January 11, 2017 photo, Erika Martins uses black electrical tape to create a customer's bikini, in order to attain crisp tan lines, on her rooftop Erika Bronze salon in the suburb of Realengo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Martins wears a microphone connected to an open speaker system in order to direct her assistants to clients who need more tanning lotion or a sprinkling of water on their skin. (Photo by Renata Brito/AP Photo)
25 Jan 2017 11:21:00
Zodiac Heads

A man admires a sculpture in the series entitled 'Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads' by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei in the courtyard of Somerset House on May 11, 2011 in London, England. The installation comprises of 12 bronze heads of animals which feature in the Chinese zodiac. The artist Ai Weiwei, who is outspoken in his criticism of the Chinese administration, was detained by authorities in Beijing on April 3, 2011 and his whereabouts remain unknown.
12 May 2011 07:44:00