A hairless mouse with black hair on its back at the laboratory in Noda, Chiba Prefecture

Japanese researchers have sparked hopes of finding a cure for human baldness after successfully growing hair on hairless mice by implanting follicles created from stem cells, Agence France Presse reports. A picture taken on April 13, 2012 and released by the Tsuji Lab Research Institute for Science and Technology of the Tokyo University of Science shows a hairless mouse with black hair on its back at the laboratory in Noda, Chiba Prefecture. (Photo by Tokyo University of Science via AFP)
22 Apr 2012 11:53:00
A photographer has captured the bizarre beauty of sphynx cats in a series of intriguing portraits. Creative Alicia Rius snapped them from different angles showing off their unusual flesh, colourings and bones. (Photo by Alicia Rius/Caters News)

A photographer has captured the bizarre beauty of sphynx cats in a series of intriguing portraits. Creative Alicia Rius snapped them from different angles showing off their unusual flesh, colourings and bones. In the images the cats can be seen curiously playing, observing their surroundings and even grooming themselves. (Photo by Alicia Rius/Caters News)
16 Apr 2015 12:41:00
Eugloss dilemma, male, Florida, Biscayne National Monument. (Photo and caption by Sam Droege/USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab)

Eugloss dilemma, male, Florida, Biscayne National Monument. (Photo and caption by Sam Droege/USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab)
16 Sep 2013 09:16:00
Baby Head Masksl

If you can’t find your inner child, at least you can put on this disturbingly realistic baby mask. For best results, wear it on a topless muscular body. Each baby head is individually handcrafted by artist, Landon Meier. Made from a high quality, extra thick latex, one size fits all. You can get one for only $250 + shipping.
17 Apr 2013 10:42:00
Stuff on Scout's Head

Stuff On Scout's Head is a Tumblr which does what it says on the tin. Scout's owner – for Scout is a dog – puts stuff on Scout's head. And then photographs him.
07 Jan 2014 11:57:00
Talking Heads By Matthew Rolston

Matthew Rolston: Talking Heads presents monumental color portraits of dummies chosen from a collection of nearly seven hundred ventriloquists dolls (dating from 1820 –1980) housed at the Vent Haven Museum in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky.
27 Sep 2015 10:08:00
Head in the Clouds By Kaitlin Rebesco

“Head in the Clouds” – a series of a photographer from Brooklyn, Kaitlin Rebesco. She creates unique portraits of Paris, focusing on the tops of the iconic buildings.
05 Jan 2014 12:42:00
241543903 Heads In Freezer Part 1

241543903 (a.k.a “Heads in Freezers”) is a numerical keyword associated with a photo meme that involves people taking pictures with their heads in the freezer & sharing them online. By tagging a series of image files with a cryptic number, a high level of search engine optimization can be easily achieved. As a result, typing “241543903” into image search engines like Google Images successfully yields pages after pages of pictures showing people’s heads in freezers.
07 Mar 2014 14:24:00