Fake Food Hatanaka

Japanese manufacturer Fake Food Hatanaka had the idea to combine the two to create a line of fashion accessories, strange and twisted! From the Fries/Ketchup hairclip to the Pizza bread necklace through the Cheeseburger pendant, the bacon & eggs headbands or even spaghetti bolognaise earrings and necklace sausages, here is some ultra-realistic and WTF Japanese gadgets to turn Fake Food / Fast Food into fashion accessory!
15 Aug 2013 11:01:00
Fake Сrippled In China

Low economic conditions in China’s urban areas have sparked an increase of beggars faking disabilities in an attempt to gain more money. Cities like Shanghai and Hong Kong are littered with naive tourists who are more than willing to hand over a few yen to anyone appearing to be handicapped in anyway.
28 May 2015 06:27:00
Fake Game-to-Film Posters
by themadbutcher

Artist mockups of movies based on popular video games.
10 Aug 2012 01:50:00
Battleship movie fake posters

We have reached a time where Hollywood thinks that creating movies off of classic board games would be a good idea. This Friday Battleship the movie hits theaters.

Check out a few of movie posters for some “Battleship”–style movies based on popular board games.
16 May 2012 13:02:00
Muammar Gaddafi

Death Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (7 June 1942 – 20 October 2011) in Misrata on October 20, 2011. The veteran strongman was killed on as new regime forces crushed the last pocket of resistance in his hometown Sirte, the National Transitional Council said. (Photo credit should read MAHMUD TURKIA)
21 Oct 2011 09:00:00
Ocean voyage

Do you think that history is a science? Well, not exactly. First, and foremost, history is the state's “legend of wars”, it’s official regalia. Of course, public historians are not interested in scientific truth – quite the opposite. In this respect, any attempt to present a state’s history as altruistic and benevolent as possible is welcomed and encouraged – as opposed to any revisionism attempts that may be more accurate. In this matter, Chinese have surpassed us all – they revised in highly creative manner (but rather shamelessly) the technology already invented by Europeans, a process that resulted in oldest state on the planet. Here is an interesting paradox: ask any sinologist about the Middle Kingdom during second century B.C., and he will describe it to you in such a vivid manner as if he has been living there all his life – but as soon as you will ask him to describe Chinese history in the 19-20th centuries… let's say, his eagerness will be greatly diminished. However, we will discuss China in a different article, and in the meantime we will try to understand how exactly historic “legend of wars” is formed and functions – based on a specific and well-known example. A great example is Ferdinand Magellan's first voyage around the world.
14 Nov 2011 09:11:00
An animal rights protester demonstrates for the abolition of bull runs and bullfights, three days before the start of the famous running of the bulls San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain, July 4, 2015. (Photo by Eloy Alonso/Reuters)

An animal rights protester demonstrates for the abolition of bull runs and bullfights, three days before the start of the famous running of the bulls San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain, July 4, 2015. (Photo by Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
05 Jul 2015 10:45:00
New Internet Sensation - Cat Circles

Residents of Reddit have found a strange phenomenon. If you make a circle on the floor with anything from tinfoil to scotch tape, the house cat would simply love to sit right in the middle of it. Is it a fake, or do cats actually like sitting in circles on the floor? We cannot answer this question until we test it out ourselves. However, one thing is for sure – cats are curious and adorable creatures that never cease to amaze us. So, if you own a cat, try this experiment yourself, and see if your cat likes to sit in an imaginary circle on the floor.
14 Nov 2014 14:10:00