One hundred artists were given an opportunity to uniquely redesign 100 phone booths in São Paulo. The result is beyond all expectations. One hundred completely useless or just vandalized booths were transformed into incredible works of art.
Work: Live Connected
Artist: Juarez Fagundes
Address: Avenida Paulista, Parque Trianon – opposite the park
Daniel Filip, Tech Lead Manager for Google Maps, carries the Trekker, a 15-camera device, while mapping the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu for Google Street View in Cuzco, Peru, August 11, 2015. (Photo by Pilar Olivares/Reuters)
Google has built its first self-driving car prototypes and hopes to test hundreds more models this summer. If all goes well, the company is planning a pilot program in California over the next few years.
A motorcycle fitted out to look like a giant telephone in an effort by the GPO to bring home to the public the importance of the phone. The dial on the wheel bears the slogan, “The World at Your Finger Tips”. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images). 20th June 1932
Latefat Alao, 56, a ethnic Yoruba Muslim woman, waits for customers in front of her in Beere market in Ibadan, southwest Nigeria, January 29, 2015. Much of the grain and wheat traders like Alao sell comes from the north and Boko Haram's campaign has negatively affected farmers and food markets. Reuters photographer Akintunde Akinleye photographed Nigerians and asked them about their views on the elections as well as their hopes and concerns for the country. (Photo by Akintunde Akinleye/Reuters)
The shoe works similarly to a fitness tracking device, using an accelerometer, gyroscope, Bluetooth and other off-the-shelf technologies to analyze the wearer’s movements and offer motivating and timely commentary. It might tell you to get going if you’ve been idle for too long or cheer you on if it senses you being very active. Its comments can be posted to Google+ by the user, sent to real-time ad units, or broadcast via onboard speakers.
These snaps were captured by a pro phone camera photographer. You can see the intricate detail in each shot, from the shining eyes of the insects to the tiny water droplets that splash down on them. Here: Komangs macro photography of insects using his Samsung Galaxy J7 and homemade camera lens in Bali, Indonesia. (Photo by Komang Wirnata/Caters News Agency)