A reef shell lies on a beach as the sun sets on Lady Elliot Island located north-east of the town of Bundaberg in Queensland, Australia, June 10, 2015. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)

A reef shell lies on a beach as the sun sets on Lady Elliot Island located north-east of the town of Bundaberg in Queensland, Australia, June 10, 2015. UNESCO World Heritage delegates recently snorkelled on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, thousands of coral reefs, which stretch over 2,000 km off the northeast coast. Surrounded by manta rays, dolphins and reef sharks, their mission was to check the health of the world's largest living ecosystem, which brings in billions of dollars a year in tourism. Some coral has been badly damaged and animal species, including dugong and large green turtles, are threatened. UNESCO will say on Wednesday whether it will place the reef on a list of endangered World Heritage sites, a move the Australian government wants to avoid at all costs, having lobbied hard overseas. Earlier this year, UNESCO said the reef's outlook was “poor”. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)
30 Jun 2015 12:21:00
A craftsman works on making human anatomy mannequins on April 23, 2014 in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. The mannequins are made from fiberglass and will be used in schools, hospitals and laboratories. (Photo by Nurcholis Anhari Lubis/Getty Images)

A craftsman works on making human anatomy mannequins on April 23, 2014 in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. The mannequins are made from fiberglass and will be used in schools, hospitals and laboratories. (Photo by Nurcholis Anhari Lubis/Getty Images)
24 Apr 2014 08:54:00
Israel Pioneers Use Of Medical Marijuana

Cannabis cigarettes at the growing facility of the Tikun Olam company on March 7, 2011 near the northern city of Safed, Israel. In conjunction with Israel's Health Ministry, Tikon Olam are currently distributing cannabis for medicinal purposes to over 1800 people in Israel.

10 Mar 2011 17:51:00
A 10-year-old pet goldfish named George undergoes veterinarian Tristan Rich's scalpel to remove a life-threatening head tumor in this handout picture taken September 11, 2014 and provided to Reuters by the Lort Smith Animal Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo by Reuters/Lort Smith Animal Hospital)

A 10-year-old pet goldfish named George undergoes veterinarian Tristan Rich's scalpel to remove a life-threatening head tumor in this handout picture taken September 11, 2014 and provided to Reuters by the Lort Smith Animal Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. In a 45-minute long procedure described by Rich as “fiddly”, the fish was sedated by water laced with anaesthetic, the tumour removed and the wound sealed with tissue glue followed by antibiotics and painkillers. (Photo by Reuters/Lort Smith Animal Hospital)
16 Sep 2014 12:24:00
Surfer Arlen Macpherson sits on his board, which has an electronic shark repellent device installed, at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia, August 18, 2015. A spate of shark attacks in Australia has left some of world's top surfing beaches deserted and many people having second thoughts about taking a swim as the summer approaches. Macpherson paid A$390 for a device embedded in his surf board to repel sharks by emitting an electronic force field that overpowers its sensing organs. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)

Surfer Arlen Macpherson sits on his board, which has an electronic shark repellent device installed, at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia, August 18, 2015. A spate of shark attacks in Australia has left some of world's top surfing beaches deserted and many people having second thoughts about taking a swim as the summer approaches. Macpherson paid A$390 for a device embedded in his surf board to repel sharks by emitting an electronic force field that overpowers its sensing organs. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)
19 Aug 2015 12:47:00
In this February 7, 2014 file photo, Matt Figi hugs and tickles his once severely-ill seven year old daughter Charlotte, as they walk together inside a greenhouse for a special strain of medical marijuana known as Charlotte's Web, which was named after the girl early in her treatment for crippling severe epilepsy, in the mountains west of Colorado Springs, Colo. (Photo by Brennan Linsley/AP Photo)

In this February 7, 2014 file photo, Matt Figi hugs and tickles his once severely-ill seven year old daughter Charlotte, as they walk together inside a greenhouse for a special strain of medical marijuana known as Charlotte's Web, which was named after the girl early in her treatment for crippling severe epilepsy, in the mountains west of Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado is poised to award more than $8 million for medical marijuana research, a step toward addressing complaints that little is known about pot's medical potential. Among the research projects poised for approval on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, are one for pediatric epilepsy patients, and another for children with brain tumors. (Photo by Brennan Linsley/AP Photo)
29 Dec 2014 13:12:00

“eLEGS is a wearable, artificially intelligent, bionic device that enables people with paralysis to stand up and walk again. The exoskeleton is battery-powered and rechargeable, fitting comfortably and securely over clothing. Initially, eLEGS will be used under medical supervision for rehabilitation and training”. –

Photo: Paralysis victim Stephanie Sablan (L) is helped by physical therapist Shonna Moran as she walks using eLEGS robotic legs at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center on May 25, 2011 in San Jose, California. Sablan, 24, was paralyzed from the waist down earlier this year when she was in a car accident and has begun using the newly developed eLEGS made by Berkeley Bionics. The robot-like battery powered eLEGS fit over clothing and enables people with paralysis to stand up and walk again. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
26 May 2011 09:56:00
HempCon 2011 Medical Marijuana Expo, Grinders

Grinders are on display for sale during the HempCon 2011 Medical Marijuana Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center on August 26, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. The three-day event includes exhibits, evaluation services, legal services, equipment, and accessories. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)
27 Aug 2011 14:07:00