Aviation, Army, College Park. Tests of Curtiss Palne for Army, Single Control. Created by Harris & Ewing. Published in 1912.

Harris & Ewing Inc. photographed people, events, and architecture, particularly in Washington, D.C., during the period 1905-1945. Photo: Tests of Curtiss Palne for Army, Single Control. Created by Harris & Ewing. Published in 1912.
18 Mar 2013 12:10:00
“Sniff out the Appenzell Cheese”. Alexander Hunter, 30, of Greenwich, Conn., took this photo in Appenzell, Switzerland, in September 2014. (Photo by Alexander Hunter)

“Sniff out the Appenzell Cheese”. Alexander Hunter, 30, of Greenwich, Conn., took this photo in Appenzell, Switzerland, in September 2014. (Photo by Alexander Hunter)
25 Aug 2015 11:11:00
“Jumpology”. “Jump”. (Photo by Benoit Paillé)

“Jump”. (Photo by Benoit Paillé)

06 Feb 2013 16:33:00
“Vull sortir a la superficie, i ... respirar”. (Photo by Véronique Carreño Andreu)

“Vull sortir a la superficie, i ... respirar”. (Photo by Véronique Carreño Andreu)

P.S. Most pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture (if available; this principle works anywhere on the site AvaxNews).
15 Feb 2013 12:26:00
Photo Project Of Eric Johansson

Erik Johansson is a Swedish photographer and professional retouch artist who likes to create breathtaking photo manipulations from his photographs by using his creative ideas. Photo manipulation or Photoshopping, as most of people know it, is the application of image editing techniques used by professionals as well as amateurs. Today, there are large numbers of numerous photo editing software available in the market. Erik Johansson graduated with a degree in computer engineering, but his passion is photography and he wonderfully mixed photography with creative Photoshopping. You can see in the images below that how beautifully he has created different moments from various fields of life. Erik Johansson lives and work in Berlin, Germany.
21 Feb 2013 10:40:00
“Smeared Sky Sunset”. (Matt Molloy)

“Smeared Sky Sunset”. (Photo by Matt Molloy)

27 Feb 2013 12:23:00
«Berlin» Project. Porträt 01, April, 22, 2012. (Photo by Erwin Olaf/Hasted Kraeutler Gallery)

“Erwin Olaf is a Dutch photographer. Olaf is most famous for his commercial and personal work. His work has received many awards and he has held exhibitions around the world”. – Wikipedia. Photo: «Berlin» Project. Porträt 01, April, 22, 2012. (Photo by Erwin Olaf/Hasted Kraeutler Gallery)
01 May 2013 12:02:00
Untitled. (Photo by Brett Walker)

Photo Art by London-based photographer Brett Walker. Photo: “Untitled”. (Photo by Brett Walker)
29 May 2013 12:09:00