Shironeko, also known as “Basket Cat”, is a Turkish van cat called “Shiro”, which is best known for his extremely relaxed demeanor and ability to balance things on his head, similar to Oolong the Pancake Bunny. The cat has been given several nicknames by its fans, most notably “Basket Cat” and “Zen Cat.”
A dog relaxes in an oxygen capsule “DOGS O2” at the Ownd Cafe on September 13, 2007 in Tokyo, Japan. The capsules come in a variety of sizes available for both dogs and cats for relaxation purposes. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images)
Shironeko, also known as “Basket Cat”, is a Turkish van cat called “Shiro”, which is best known for his extremely relaxed demeanor and ability to balance things on his head, similar to Oolong the Pancake Bunny. The cat has been given several nicknames by its fans, most notably “Basket Cat” and “Zen Cat.”