Actress Anne Hathaway attends the “The Dark Knight Rises” World Premiere

Actress Anne Hathaway attends the “The Dark Knight Rises” World Premiere at AMC Lincoln Square Theater on July 16, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Jim Spellman)
21 Jul 2012 09:33:00
The golden harlequin toad has vanished from the wild, and only a small number live on in captivity. A fungus caused them, and many other amphibians, to die out in their home in Central America. (Photo by Danté Fenolio/The Guardian/Johns Hopkins University Press)

Wildlife photographer Danté Fenolio has headed into areas untouched by sunlight – deep seas, caves and underground – and found creatures that are exploding with colour. Here: The golden harlequin toad has vanished from the wild, and only a small number live on in captivity. A fungus caused them, and many other amphibians, to die out in their home in Central America. (Photo by Danté Fenolio/The Guardian/Johns Hopkins University Press)
20 Jun 2016 12:19:00
A robot Ecce by the Robot studio is pictured at the world's largest industrial technology fair, the Hannover Messe, in Hanover April 13, 2015. (Photo by Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters)

A robot Ecce by the Robot studio is pictured at the world's largest industrial technology fair, the Hannover Messe, in Hanover April 13, 2015. (Photo by Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters)
15 Apr 2015 12:45:00
Dark Places By Aaron Groen

Looking at the photos taken by Aaron Groenom, very easy to get lost in this starry wonderland. A series of photos Dark Places - a collection of works in which the artist from South Dakota contrasts the beauty of the universe to various natural or man-made forms on Earth. Using long exposures, it captures the magical landscape filled with fabulous atmosphere, striking color palettes and far-distant galaxies.
06 Jul 2013 17:56:00
Celebrating The Dark Side

A reveler poses for pictures at the Victorian Picnic during the Wave and Goth festival in Leipzig June 6, 2014. The annual festival, known in Germany as Wave-Gotik Treffen (WGT), features over 150 bands and artist in venues all over the city playing Gothic rock and other styles of the dark wave music subculture. The event, one of the biggest of its kind, attracts a regular audience of up to 20,000, the organizers said. REUTERS/Thomas Peter
08 Jun 2014 09:37:00
An astonishing set of snaps of a thrill-seeker's sky-high catwalk show on the edge of some of the world's tallest buildings has turned her into a social media sensation. Daredevil Angelina Nikolau, 23, from Russia, has spent weeks travelling around China and Hong Kong posing for jaw-dropping skyscraper selfies hundreds of feet above the ground. Her vertigo inducing results – uploaded to Instagram – have made her an instant star on the internet. Angelina is described by Russian media as “self-taught photographer, adventurer and roofer from Moscow”. Roofing – also known as rooftopping – is where people get as close as possible to the edge of a skyscraper's highest point to take selfies. (Photo by Kirill Oreshkin/CEN)

An astonishing set of snaps of a thrill-seeker's sky-high catwalk show on the edge of some of the world's tallest buildings has turned her into a social media sensation. Daredevil Angelina Nikolau, 23, from Russia, has spent weeks travelling around China and Hong Kong posing for jaw-dropping skyscraper selfies hundreds of feet above the ground. Her vertigo inducing results – uploaded to Instagram – have made her an instant star on the internet. (Photo by Kirill Oreshkin/CEN)
22 Sep 2016 09:52:00
The Dark Knight By Rob Bliss

The Dark Knight (2008) was a visual feast firmly grounded in reality. But what if it had been a little more "freaktastic?" Professional concept artist Rob Bliss, who also worked on Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), Watchmen (2005) and Jack the Giant Killer (2009-10) created some truly bizarre visuals for the film. Some are available in his portfolio including The Joker (Heath Ledger), the Joker's clown masked men in the bank heist and horrific images of Harvey "Two-Face" Dent (Aaron Eckhart).
08 Dec 2013 11:34:00
Deadwood is pictured in the onetime spa and resort town Epecuen, November 5, 2015. (Photo by Enrique Marcarian/Reuters)

Deadwood is pictured in the onetime spa and resort town Epecuen, November 5, 2015. Over the past few years the town of Epecuen, located 550 km (341 miles) southwest of Buenos Aires, has been attracting tourists with its eerie apocalyptic atmosphere after a flood submerged it in salt water for more than two decades. Photo by Enrique Marcarian/Reuters)
12 Nov 2015 08:05:00