“Cassowaries are large, flightless birds related to emus and (more distantly) to ostriches, rheas, and kiwis”, writes Olivia Judson in the September issue of National Geographic magazine. (Photo by Christian Ziegler/National Geographic)

“Cassowaries are large, flightless birds related to emus and (more distantly) to ostriches, rheas, and kiwis”, writes Olivia Judson in the September issue of National Geographic magazine. How large? People-size: Adult males stand well over five foot five and top 110 pounds. Females are even taller, and can weigh more than 160 pounds. Dangerous when roused, they’re shy and peaceable when left alone. But even birds this big and tough are prey to habitat loss. The dense New Guinea and Australia rain forests where they live have dwindled. Today cassowaries might number 1,500 to 2,000. And because they help shape those same forests – by moving seeds from one place to another – “if they vanish”, Judson writes, “the structure of the forest would gradually change” too. (Photo by Christian Ziegler/National Geographic)
06 Jan 2014 12:21:00
iPhone 4 hard case cover with portrait of Steve Jobs

iPhone 4 hard case cover with portrait of Steve Jobs are on sale on October 9, 2011 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of China. Apple co-founder Jobs died on October 5, 2011 at the age of 56. (Photo by ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)
10 Oct 2011 08:42:00
Sulphur miners haul sulphur up an arduous path out of Indonesia’s Ijen volcano. The average carry out of the volcano is 70 kilograms per load per miner.  The all-time record carry was 120 kilograms in one load.  Extraordinary numbers given most of the miners only weigh around 55 kilograms.  Ijen volcano, Indonesia, 2012. (Photo by Hugh Brown/South West News Service)

Sulphur miners haul sulphur up an arduous path out of Indonesia’s Ijen volcano. The average carry out of the volcano is 70 kilograms per load per miner. The all-time record carry was 120 kilograms in one load. Extraordinary numbers given most of the miners only weigh around 55 kilograms. Ijen volcano, Indonesia, 2012. (Photo by Hugh Brown/South West News Service)
30 Jul 2018 00:05:00
Hungarian wrestlers fight during the Hungarian wrestling Championship in Budapest November 29, 2014. (Photo by Laszlo Balogh/Reuters)

Hungarian wrestlers fight during the Hungarian wrestling Championship in Budapest November 29, 2014. (Photo by Laszlo Balogh/Reuters)
01 Dec 2014 13:56:00
Ray Yang, a celebrity trainer, takes a selfie before the start of a workout session during TV program "The Body Show" at a gym in Seoul, September 19, 2015. (Photo by Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters)

Ray Yang, a celebrity trainer, takes a selfie before the start of a workout session during TV program "The Body Show" at a gym in Seoul, September 19, 2015. Looks no longer centre only on the face in beauty-obsessed South Korea, where more women are hitting the gym to improve muscle tone and physical health. As the ideal of beauty evolves in a country that is a trendsetter in cosmetics and the pursuit of plastic surgery, women's fitness has become a growth business, say purveyors of health products, from diet supplements to dumb-bells. (Photo by Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters)

26 Oct 2015 08:01:00
British Captain A. Gatti and two pygmies with a 500lb gorilla strung from a pole, which the captain shot in the Tchibinda forest in the Lake Kivu region, Democratic Republic of the Congo, circa 1930. (Photo by General Photographic Agency)

British captain A. Gatti and two pygmies with a 500lb gorilla strung from a pole, which the captain shot in the Tchibinda forest in the Lake Kivu region, Democratic Republic of the Congo, circa 1930. (Photo by General Photographic Agency). P.S. All pictures are presented in high resolution.
18 Sep 2012 09:35:00
A riot policeman punches Greek photojournalist Tatiana Bolari during a demonstration in Athens' Syntagma (Constitution) square October 5, 2011. Police officers attacked several members of the press covering  protests, injuring at least two members of the media. (Photo by Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)

A riot policeman punches Greek photojournalist Tatiana Bolari during a demonstration in Athens' Syntagma (Constitution) square October 5, 2011. Police officers attacked several members of the press covering protests, injuring at least two members of the media. (Photo by Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)
25 Aug 2014 11:17:00
A member of the Edo Firemanship Preservation Association displays his balancing skills atop bamboo ladder during a New Year presentation by the fire brigade in Tokyo January 6, 2015. (Photo by Thomas Peter/Reuters)

A member of the Edo Firemanship Preservation Association displays his balancing skills atop bamboo ladder during a New Year presentation by the fire brigade in Tokyo January 6, 2015. (Photo by Thomas Peter/Reuters)
07 Jan 2015 14:16:00