A 2.4 kg chicken is pictured next to 14,600,000 bolivars, its price and the equivalent of 2.22 USD, at a mini-market in Caracas, Venezuela August 16, 2018. It was the going price at an informal market in the low-income neighborhood of Catia. (Photo by Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters)

A 2.4 kg chicken is pictured next to 14,600,000 bolivars, its price and the equivalent of 2.22 USD, at a mini-market in Caracas, Venezuela on August 16, 2018. It was the going price at an informal market in the low-income neighborhood of Catia. (Photo by Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters)
21 Aug 2018 00:01:00
Game Of Thrones: Season 4 Visual Effects

The characters fighting for Westeros in Game of Thrones are fighting mostly for CGI backdrops. Like many others TV series and movies, visual effects is a huge part of the production process as it handles details both great and small. A great credit to Game of Thrones is that the story is so good that we forget about the effects, and another great credit goes to the VFX team because their work is seamless. If you want to see the seams, you have to get a visual breakdown of how the shots are put together.
30 Jul 2014 18:47:00

“The telectroscope (also referred to as “electroscope”) was the first non-working prototype (i.e. conceptual model) of a television or videophone system. The term was used in the 19th century to describe science-based systems of distant seeing. The name and its concept came into being not long after the telephone was patented in 1876, and its original concept evolved from that of remote facsimile reproductions onto paper, into the live viewing of remote images”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Visitors to London wave to people they can see in New York as they peer through the Telectroscope situated by Tower Bridge on May 23, 2008 in London, England. The device named the Telectroscope provides a live visual link up between London and New York, to another Telectroscope by Brooklyn Bridge. (Photo by Cate Gillon/Getty Images)
16 Sep 2011 12:19:00
Colorful Strips By Colorful Strips

lasgow-based artist Jim Lambie can transform any space into a visual delight with his geometric tape designs. Using everyday vinyl tape, he creates angles and lines of contrasting colors that suggest movement and optical illusions. He can convert a once empty and quiet room into a space filled with energy. As viewers enter a converted space, they instantly have a visual interaction with the artwork.
08 Apr 2014 14:16:00
Visitors browse in the starry Art Museum. Shanghai, China, May 13, 2020. The exhibition hall uses a large number of mirror devices, combined with the layout of acousto-optic, to create a visual scene and spatial effect. (Photo by Costfoto/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

Visitors browse in the starry Art Museum. Shanghai, China, May 13, 2020. The exhibition hall uses a large number of mirror devices, combined with the layout of acousto-optic, to create a visual scene and spatial effect. (Photo by Costfoto/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)
21 May 2020 00:05:00
Frog legs it! Indonesian flying frog tries to hitch a ride on snail's back before realising it would be quicker to hop it alone. A tiny frog struck up an unlikely friendship with a giant African land snail after clambering onto its shell to catch a ride. (Photo by Hendy Mp/SOLENT/Visual Press Agency)

Frog legs it! Indonesian flying frog tries to hitch a ride on snail's back before realising it would be quicker to hop it alone. A tiny frog struck up an unlikely friendship with a giant African land snail after clambering onto its shell to catch a ride. (Photo by Hendy Mp/SOLENT/Visual Press Agency)

04 Jan 2015 13:24:00
A human rainbow is created at a BASEOrlando coordinated event, “Orlando Strong Body Paint”, on Friday, June 17, 2016 in Orlando, Fl. The group created the rainbow, composed of volunteers numbering the same as that of the victims of the Pulse shooting, as a visual reminder of the amount of lives lost. (Photos by Amanda Voisard/The Washington Post)

A human rainbow is created at a BASEOrlando coordinated event, “Orlando Strong Body Paint”, on Friday, June 17, 2016 in Orlando, Fl. The group created the rainbow, composed of volunteers numbering the same as that of the victims of the Pulse shooting, as a visual reminder of the amount of lives lost. (Photos by Amanda Voisard/The Washington Post)
20 Jun 2016 12:24:00
The Dark Knight By Rob Bliss

The Dark Knight (2008) was a visual feast firmly grounded in reality. But what if it had been a little more "freaktastic?" Professional concept artist Rob Bliss, who also worked on Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), Watchmen (2005) and Jack the Giant Killer (2009-10) created some truly bizarre visuals for the film. Some are available in his portfolio including The Joker (Heath Ledger), the Joker's clown masked men in the bank heist and horrific images of Harvey "Two-Face" Dent (Aaron Eckhart).
08 Dec 2013 11:34:00
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