Ultra Reality: What Would You Do In This Situation

LG Chile has continued the So Real It’s Scary campaign developed at Superheroes, Amsterdam, with their own prank, “Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation?” The video shows an office set up with an 84 inch HD television screen which appears to be a window frame. Job seekers arrive for their interview but freak out when they see what appears to a meteor destroying the city through the window.
17 Jul 2014 11:20:00
Seven-year-old Dihan Awallidan from Garut, West Java, is not like other boys his age. While most children crave chocolate and candy, Dihan is addicted to cigarettes. The second-grader picked up the habit at the age of 3 and now smokes up to three packs a day, using the pocket money he gets from his enabling parents to feed his addiction. (Photo by Rezza Estily/JG Photo)

Seven-year-old Dihan Awallidan from Garut, West Java, is not like other boys his age. While most children crave chocolate and candy, Dihan is addicted to cigarettes. The second-grader picked up the habit at the age of 3 and now smokes up to three packs a day, using the pocket money he gets from his enabling parents to feed his addiction. (Photo by Rezza Estily/JG Photo)
19 Mar 2015 14:08:00

The same way as their real life counterparts, online casinos try to attract new players and maintain their existing player base by offering fair games, good conditions and solid bonuses and promotions. While offline establishments have the advantage of being able to offer a free meal or drink, vouchers and other gifts to their players, online casinos have only two ways or rewarding their customers: money and free playtime.
15 Sep 2014 13:35:00
Two men on the deck of a ship, about 1890. (Photo by Collection of National Media Museum/Kodak Museum)

“Today, we take photography for granted. Anyone can take a photograph simply by pressing a button. Yet, it was not always so simple. The invention of photography was announced in 1839, but during its first fifty years taking a photograph was a complicated and expensive business. In 1888, all this was to change following the appearance of a camera that was to revolutionize photography. Popular photography can properly be said to have started 120 years ago with the introduction of the Kodak”. – The UK National Media Museum. Photo: Two men on the deck of a ship, about 1890. (Photo by Collection of National Media Museum/Kodak Museum)
27 May 2014 10:31:00
Python Meets A Crocodile See What Happened Next

What happens in the wild is sometimes hard to imagine. Sometimes other animals can be others prey. In this case, here is a python and a crocodile who come across each other in Australia. This is a bit graphic, so beware.
28 Mar 2014 09:56:00

You Won't Believe What Doctors Found In This Man's Ear
08 Oct 2014 19:16:00
Camp You Are You

"Camp You Are You (whose name has been changed to protect the privacy of the participants) offers a temporary safe haven where gender-variant boys can freely express their interpretations of femininity alongside their parents and siblings. These images represent the spirit of the children as they shine in an atmoshpere of support. Here they can be true to their inner nature without feeling the need to look over their shoulders." Lindsay Morris
22 Aug 2013 11:24:00
Patsy Gibbons takes his two rescue foxes, Grainne and Minnie (unseen), for a walk in Kilkenny, Ireland April 25, 2016. (Photo by Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters)

Patsy Gibbons takes his two rescue foxes, Grainne and Minnie (unseen), for a walk in Kilkenny, Ireland April 25, 2016. Gibbons nursed the foxes back to health after they were found abandoned as injured cubs, and they have stayed with him since. (Photo by Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters)
26 Apr 2016 12:18:00
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