Crowds cheer during a parade before the 23rd annual Wing Bowl at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania January 30, 2015. (Photo by Mark Makela/Reuters)

Crowds cheer during a parade before the 23rd annual Wing Bowl at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania January 30, 2015. Professional competitive eater from Chicago Patrick “Deep Dish” Bertoletti downed 444 chicken wings in 30 minutes at the 23rd annual Wing Bowl in Philadelphia, narrowly edging out his nearest rival and shattering the record of 363 wings set a year earlier. (Photo by Mark Makela/Reuters)
01 Feb 2015 11:32:00

“The Lockheed Martin X-33 is an unmanned, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government-funded Space Launch Initiative program”. – Wikipedia

Photo: An Artist's Rendering Shows How Nasa's X-33 Technology Demonstrator, A Cost-Cutting Fully Reusable Single-Stage-To-Orbit Space Vehicle, Will Look Upon Completion. The 67 Foot-Long, 278,600 Pound, Twin Engine Space Vehicle, Capable Of Reaching Speeds In Excess Of Mach 15, Will Lead To The Construction Of A 127 Foot-Long, 2,186,000 Pound Version With Seven Engines And A 50,000 Pound Payload Capacity Called The “Venturestar”. (Photo By Nasa/Getty Images)
22 Mar 2011 12:05:00
An x-ray of a woman drinking, taken by British artist and photographer Hugh Turvey in London, England. (Photo by Hugh Turvey/SPL/Barcroft Media)

An x-ray of a woman drinking, taken by British artist and photographer Hugh Turvey in London, England. (Photo by Hugh Turvey/SPL/Barcroft Media)
14 Feb 2014 09:52:00
“Chameleon and Begonia”. (Photo by Arie van't Riet)

Physicist Arie van't Riet uses a series of duel X-ray cameras to capture flowers, plants and small animals in living dioramas. The x-rays are then finished and colorized in Photoshop. Giving way to some breathtaking nature scenes. Photo: “Chameleon and Begonia”. (Photo by Arie van't Riet)
13 Mar 2014 05:45:00
Boeing X-45A

“The Boeing X-45 unmanned combat air vehicle is a concept demonstrator for a next generation of completely autonomous military aircraft, developed by Boeing's Phantom Works. Manufactured by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, the X-45 was a part of DARPA's J-UCAS project”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Two X-45A Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAV) are shown to members of the news media July 11, 2002 at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The X-45A, developed by The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Boeing Company, is the first unmanned system designed from inception for combat missions. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
22 Aug 2011 13:00:00
Shovava Wing Scarves By Roza Khamitova

Roza Khamitova was born into a family of artists in Kazakhstan. After finishing design school in Manhattan, New York, she was working in fashion industry for about 8 years. As a visual artist Roza had always drawn most of her inspiration from the natural world around her in the mountains of Kazakhstan. In 2011 she launched Shovava, her personal line of women’s clothing based on her hand drawn paintings and prints of the animals, plants and patterns found in nature. Roza was enchanted by the beauty of wings, its structure and symbolism. First, she sketches big wide-spread wings on paper with a light pencil, adds black ink to create a three-dimensional feel and fills with stunning watercolors.
06 Dec 2015 10:42:00
Actress Marilyn Monroe poses for a portrait in a bathing suit and high heels with a bottle of Coca-Cola in a glass on a table behind her in circa 1953. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

Actress Marilyn Monroe poses for a portrait in a bathing suit and high heels with a bottle of Coca-Cola in a glass on a table behind her in circa 1953. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
30 Dec 2016 10:47:00
Fine Horses And Fierce Eagles Are The wings Of The Kazakh

The Kazakhs are the descendants of Turkic, Mongolic and Indo-Iranian tribes and Huns that populated the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea. They are a semi-nomadic people and have roamed the mountains and valleys of western Mongolia with their herds since the 19th century. The ancient art of eagle hunting is one of many traditions and skills that the Kazakhs have, in recent decades, been able to hold on to. They rely on their clan and herds, believing in pre-Islamic cults of the sky, the ancestors, fire and the supernatural forces of good and evil spirits.
20 Feb 2014 12:12:00