In this Saturday, March 3, 2018, photo, a contestant gets ready to throw a hatchet at a wooden bull's-eye at the Kick Axe Throwing venue in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (Photo by Mary Altaffer/AP Photo)

In this Saturday, March 3, 2018, photo, a contestant gets ready to throw a hatchet at a wooden bull's-eye at the Kick Axe Throwing venue in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Kick Axe Throwing is the first bar in New York City to pick up on a nationwide trend of ax throwing, a growing sport that some enthusiasts hope will take off the way bowling did in the last century. (Photo by Mary Altaffer/AP Photo)
22 Mar 2018 00:05:00
Anime Expo 2012 girl

“Anime Expo, abbreviated AX, is an American anime convention held in Los Angeles, California and organized by the non-profit Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA)”. – Wikipedia. (Photo by Jim3535)
19 Jul 2012 10:07:00
A woman from the Tarahumara ethnic group cuts firewood with an ax while preparing for winter in Caborachi village, in Guachochi, Mexico, December 17, 2016. (Photo by Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters)

A woman from the Tarahumara ethnic group cuts firewood with an ax while preparing for winter in Caborachi village, in Guachochi, Mexico, December 17, 2016. (Photo by Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters)
19 Dec 2016 10:10:00
Kelly Reemtsen By Girl Power

Kelly Reemtsen mixes it up with 50's glam and hints of the macabre. Heroines are wielding an axe, shears, a hose or rubber gloves.
15 Jan 2013 14:18:00
A man carrying an axe walks past a house marked with bullet holes in Gyallesu district after recent clashes between Shi'ites and the army in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria, February 3, 2016. (Photo by Afolabi Sotunde/Reuters)

A man carrying an axe walks past a house marked with bullet holes in Gyallesu district after recent clashes between Shi'ites and the army in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria, February 3, 2016. Sectarian tensions are rising in Nigeria's Muslim north, where hundreds of Shi'ites were killed in clashes with the army in the town of Zaria in December, according to Shi'ites and rights groups. Following the clashes, bulldozers sent by the state levelled Shi'ite shrines, a cemetery and offices in the deeply divided town. The region is already grappling with an insurgency waged by the jihadist Boko Haram group. (Photo by Afolabi Sotunde/Reuters)
12 Feb 2016 12:52:00
In this July 10, 2014 photo, Chris Minore, of Orange, Conn., performs the under chop technique at the Adirondack Woodsmen's School at Paul Smith's College in Paul Smiths, N.Y. Eighteen young students in matching gray sports shirts took part recently in a weeklong crash course on old-school lumberjack skills such as sawing, chopping, ax throwing, log boom running and pole climbing. (Photo by Mike Groll/AP Photo)

In this July 10, 2014 photo, Chris Minore, of Orange, Conn., performs the under chop technique at the Adirondack Woodsmen's School at Paul Smith's College in Paul Smiths, N.Y. Eighteen young students in matching gray sports shirts took part recently in a weeklong crash course on old-school lumberjack skills such as sawing, chopping, ax throwing, log boom running and pole climbing. (Photo by Mike Groll/AP Photo)
20 Jul 2014 11:00:00
A miner with a donkey makes his way through the low and narrow tunnel leading out of a coal mine in Choa Saidan Shah in Punjab province, April 29, 2014. Workers at this mine in Choa Saidan Shah dig coal with pick axes, break it up and load it onto donkeys to be transported to the surface. (Photo by Sara Farid/Reuters)

A miner with a donkey makes his way through the low and narrow tunnel leading out of a coal mine in Choa Saidan Shah in Punjab province, April 29, 2014. Workers at this mine in Choa Saidan Shah dig coal with pick axes, break it up and load it onto donkeys to be transported to the surface. Employed by private contractors, a team of four workers can dig about a ton of coal a day, for which they earn around $10 to be split between them. The coalmine is in the heart of Punjab, Pakistan's most populous and richest province, but the labourers mostly come from the poorer neighbouring region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. (Photo by Sara Farid/Reuters)
03 Aug 2014 07:35:00
“Two-Handed Saw, 2014”. “Most of the neighbors have switched to power tools to run their households, the buzz of chain saws and weed-whackers overpowering the quieter sounds of country life, but my aunts hold on to the two-handed saw that's decades old, the sickle and scythe that need to be sharpened and polished after each use, the old axe that's becoming heavier each year. Each of these objects is familiar, holding memories of their brother, who succumbed to cancer a few years ago, of days before my grandfather lost his vision in the 50's, of busier days and longer futures”, Sablin told. (Photo by Nadia Sablin)

In northwest Russia, in a small village called Alekhovshchina, Nadia Sablin's aunts spend the warmer months together in the family home and live as the family has always lived, chopping wood to heat the house and making their own clothes. Sablin's book of photographs, “Aunties: The Seven Summers of Alevtina and Ludmila”, is published by Duke University Press. Here: “Two-Handed Saw, 2014”. (Photo by Nadia Sablin)
25 Feb 2016 12:12:00