“This is the terrifying moment a diver came head to head with a shark as it swims inches away snatching a bite for dinner. The close encounter, captured off Bimini Island in the Bahamas, shows the hammerhead approaching diver Eli Martinez who bravely stands his ground as the giant beast approaches. Eli, free diving outside of a protective cage, carefully handled the sea creature despite its menacing razor-sharp teeth – but admitted they are extremely shy and need a lot of work to allow divers close to them. After multiple trips and hours of diving nearby they finally got used to Eli in January this year – hammerheads regularly visit these waters during the winter season”. – Caters News. Photos: Eli Martinez with hammerhead shark. (Photo by J. P. Zegarra/Caters News)

Eli Martinez with hammerhead shark. (Photo by J. P. Zegarra/Caters News)

Eli Martinez with hammerhead shark. (Photo by J. P. Zegarra/Caters News)

Eli Martinez with hammerhead shark. (Photo by J. P. Zegarra/Caters News)

Eli Martinez with hammerhead shark. (Photo by J. P. Zegarra/Caters News)
11 Mar 2014 09:24:00