Sweet Couple: Dog And Cat

On the streets of Kunming, Yunnan Province, you can find odd couple – a dog and a cat who sits on his four-legged companion. They are Vantsay and Mimi. The owner of animals, a 42-year-old retired policeman Xu Jin is surprised with so strong friendship. “When I got the dog, and I began to take her for a walk, the cat became plaintive, – says the man. – So I bought a leash and began to take her too. Soon, however, the cat began to tire and quickly realized that it is much easier to ride on the back of a dog. ”
18 Mar 2015 11:01:00
Batman Hotel In Taiwan

If you are a big Batman fan with some extra frequent flier miles and cash to burn, you might want to consider staying in this amazing Batman themed hotel room! The bat cave themed hotel room goes for $50 per 3 hour stay. For that price, you not only get to stay in the coolest hotel room of all time, but you get lubrication, s*xy lingerie and other perks. Other than the price, the other downside is that you have to fly to Kaohsiung City in Taiwan to stay there. If I am ever in that part of the world, I will definitely be staying in that room, even if I am not a huge Batman fan.
21 May 2014 13:56:00
Anatomical Self Dissections By Danny Quirk

"I'm an artist, recent graduate, specializing in photo realistic watercolors, painting what the camera can't capture. My work is perceivably on the darker side, but the actually is, it's about exploration.
My anatomical works combine classic poses, in dramatic chiaroscuro lighting, with a very contemporary twist... illustrating what's underneath the skin, and the portrayed figure dissects a region of their body to show the structures that lay beneath."

Danny Quirk
25 Jun 2013 10:56:00
Mud Makes Man By Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi

31-year-old Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi has created an incredibly interesting photographic series about the struggle of an artist. First, though, you may be asking yourself these questions: Exactly, what are we looking at? How did the photographer achieve this strange, sculpture-like illusion?

Gasteazi asked his friend Julián to cover himself with a mixture of blue paint and mud. He then photographed Julián at various stages. Later, in Photoshop, Gasteazi cut around his subject's body to make him appear like a floating sculpture.
06 Jun 2015 09:18:00
The Secret Of Levitation Street Yogis

Yogis and street performers have been simulating levitation with nifty contraptions forever. They appear to be held aloft via nothing but their preternatural mental prowess. But are really enjoying the benefits of basic physics just like the rest of us when we use a chair. However, just because it’s perfectly explainable doesn’t mean it isn’t nifty. I’m especially impressed by this 2-person version and am still trying to work out how exactly the chair they’re using is shaped at the base.

28 Mar 2014 12:43:00
“The Moment After the Show”: Iggy Pop. (Photo by Matthias Willi/Olivier Joliat/The Moment After The Show)

“That’s the only way to show how we really are” – sweaty, exhausted, but happy, actress and singer Juliette Lewis said about the idea of a photo collection capturing musicians moments after a concert. Photographer Matthias Willi and journalist Olivier Joliat have persuaded about 100 bands to take part in their “The Moment After the Show” project since 2005. Photo: Iggy Pop. (Photo by Matthias Willi/Olivier Joliat/The Moment After The Show)
25 Aug 2014 10:36:00
Photographers: Julien Mauve. Back To Childhood

“Julien Mauve is a Paris based professional web designer, front-end developer and content manager who loves innovation, experimentation and creation. Julien has taken up photography as a hobby. His collection Back to Childhood is all about bringing the long lost memories of early days into the adult life. How he came about that idea? Julien stumbled upon some of his old toys in his grandpa’s attic and felt a connection to every single one of them. Each toy brought back a fond memory”.
06 Apr 2012 20:05:00
MB&F Horological Machine No. 6 Space Pirate

All throughout history of mankind people were fascinated by time, its flow, and how to measure it. Thus, the science of horology can into being, as people invented more and more sophisticated ways of measuring the passage of time. Truly, it’s one of the most profound characteristics of being a human, to feel and to ponder the meaning of time, its properties, and will we ever be able to move through it, not with it. Now, however, horology is mainly referred to the art of mechanical watchmaking. (Photo by MB&F)
14 Nov 2014 13:51:00