Dogs and Children

It’s the topic of one never-ending conundrum — do dogs look like their owners? If this is indeed true, do dogs grow to mimic their owners, or do owners choose a dog in their own image? It’s great when science confirms something we already instinctively know. According to a U.S. study, it’s official — dogs do look like their owners.
25 Aug 2012 12:33:00
Cristian Girotto – Adults As Children

Without bothering Jung and its "Puer aeternus" or Pascoli with its "Little Boy", we can certainly agree that, somewhere inside each of us, there's a young core, instinctive, creative but also innocent and naïve. What would happen if this intimate essence would be completely revealed?
02 Dec 2012 10:56:00
Crocheted Food Art by Kate Jenkins

Artist Kate Jenkins makes elaborate crocheted food art in her studio in Brighton. Much of her art depicts the local fare – fish and chips, bangers and mash, and so on – but a recent series, “Kate’s Diner”, focused on classic American food. We previously posted about Jenkins’ crocheted anatomical hearts.
12 Apr 2017 12:15:00
Mud Makes Man By Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi

31-year-old Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi has created an incredibly interesting photographic series about the struggle of an artist. First, though, you may be asking yourself these questions: Exactly, what are we looking at? How did the photographer achieve this strange, sculpture-like illusion?

Gasteazi asked his friend Julián to cover himself with a mixture of blue paint and mud. He then photographed Julián at various stages. Later, in Photoshop, Gasteazi cut around his subject's body to make him appear like a floating sculpture.
06 Jun 2015 09:18:00
Surreal Drawing By Anil Saxena

Anil Saxena from Mumbay, India creates amazing photo manipulations using Photoshop. These surreal photos will truly amaze you. Anil started out doing conventional darkroom photo composition and retouching them before moving these skills over to Photoshop. He is a true perfectionist: “If the image is a success but my work goes unnoticed, I’m doing my job well.” says Anil. I think we definitely should notice these works, because what he does is amazing!
14 Jun 2015 12:34:00
The Bund Sightseeing Tunnel In Shanghai

The Bund Sightseeing Tunnel is not an adventure for the light hearted. The trippy visuals and sound effects are rather bizarre and creepy. They look like something out of a nightmare or a psychedelic trip. Maybe the creators of this project did experiment with some illicit drugs to gain inspiration for this project. Moreover, it is more likely than not that some people tried going to this tourist attraction after “preparing” themselves beforehand. This trippy tunnel stretches from Pudong to Puxi in Shanghai, China, and is rated as one of the top five tourist attractions. We recommend visiting this place; just don’t take your kids along for the ride, since it might prove to be too scary for them.
06 Feb 2015 12:27:00
A Beautiful Scowling Curly-Haired Cat

Albert is not the happiest looking kitty in the world. Even Tard the Grumpy Cat looks more cheerful. Well… maybe not cheerful. But at least Tard doesn’t have a look of menace and a desire to kill in his eyes. What could have caused a kitty to wear such a stern look all the time? It might be the fact that he’s all curly. Almost no one likes to stand out too much, and maybe Albert is no exception. Despite his menacing appearance, Albert’s owner claims that he’s a very polite cat and plays nicely with children. Though it is hard to believe at first glance, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, even when we’re looking at a cat.

24 Mar 2015 10:02:00
The Secret Of Levitation Street Yogis

Yogis and street performers have been simulating levitation with nifty contraptions forever. They appear to be held aloft via nothing but their preternatural mental prowess. But are really enjoying the benefits of basic physics just like the rest of us when we use a chair. However, just because it’s perfectly explainable doesn’t mean it isn’t nifty. I’m especially impressed by this 2-person version and am still trying to work out how exactly the chair they’re using is shaped at the base.

28 Mar 2014 12:43:00