The unromantic gypsies. Children boxing in a gypsy camp in Kent, England on July 1, 1951. Like all boys these gypsy lads like to try their hand at boxing. Encouraged by their friends they fight it out on Corke's Meadow. Few Romanies now live a life of wandering romance. Most are like the three hundred squatters of Corke's Meadow, Kent, which is part of a “gypsy problem” that involves about 100,000 today. Of those about 25,000 can be rightly called gypsies, the rest are Mumpers and Posh-rats and Hobos. Corke's Meadow has both kinds. “Picture Post” cameraman Bert Hardy photographs the Corke's Meadow gypsies in their encampment. (Photo by Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images)

The unromantic gypsies. Children boxing in a gypsy camp in Kent, England on July 1, 1951. Like all boys these gypsy lads like to try their hand at boxing. Encouraged by their friends they fight it out on Corke's Meadow. Few Romanies now live a life of wandering romance. Most are like the three hundred squatters of Corke's Meadow, Kent, which is part of a “gypsy problem” that involves about 100,000 today. Of those about 25,000 can be rightly called gypsies, the rest are Mumpers and Posh-rats and Hobos. Corke's Meadow has both kinds. “Picture Post” cameraman Bert Hardy photographs the Corke's Meadow gypsies in their encampment. (Photo by Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images)
12 Mar 2017 00:01:00

If you're not familiar with Terry's work, he takes boring, everyday objects and makes them come alive! The best thing about it is that it can be enjoyed by everyone. Young or old, we can all get a good chuckle out of his hilarious Bent Objects.
29 May 2012 02:59:00

The Last Bell (we mean the bell that informs the pupils about the beginning or the ending of the lessons) is the traditional feast of the Russian pupils who leave the school. The Last School Bell feast occurs in the end of May, when the school year has already finished, but the final examinations have not begun yet. (Read more...)
02 Jun 2011 13:39:00
Aquarium In Radisson Sas Hotel

In the middle of the lobby of the Radisson SAS Hotel in Berlin stands a AquaDom standing 25 meters tall and is the largest cylindrical aquarium ever built. It’s filled with about 900,000 liters of seawater and has 2600 fish of 56 species.
01 Dec 2013 09:12:00

Bingo is being taken to new heights across the globe. Here we look at some of the best themed nights, the location and what’s different about these events that’s made them so popular. It is not just bingo online that is taking the world by storm!
15 Aug 2017 16:10:00
Tsunami Clouds: A Rush of Fog

Сool air offshore was very nearly at the saturation point, with a temperature near 20 degrees C and a dew point of about 19.5 degrees C. The air at this temperature can only hold a certain amount of water vapor, and how much it can hold depends heavily on the temperature.
04 Nov 2013 11:30:00
Experts In Work Safety

This is collection on most foolish peoples whose don’t have scene and don’t care about safety and work dangerously that mean they fell in any problem.If you want to see that person then look around you must find one of them.
24 Dec 2013 12:22:00
Men High Heels Is New Fashion Trends

This new fashion is all the rage – high heels for men. Gay have been wearing heels for years, but the new fashion is about high heels for straight men.
03 Feb 2014 13:07:00