Million Dollar Car Graveyard (Video)

Michael Fröhlich's Jowett Javelin rotting car in his forest sculpture park in Neandertal Germany, September 11, 2016. An eccentric artist has collected fifty vintage cars and left them to rot in a forest – and now they're worth over $1 million.
31 Oct 2016 23:22:00
How To Make Gold In Russia (Video)

Krastsvetmet, located beside the beautiful Yensei river in the metropolis of Krasnoyarsk, Russia, is a refinery of all types of precious metals on an industrial scale.

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18 Nov 2016 23:26:00

Sony is marketing the remake of the Stephen King horror movie Carrie with with “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise”, a prank video set in a New York cafe. Viral marketing firm ThinkModo shot the film over two days in ‘sNice cafe on 8th Ave, New York, with actors posing as customers. As people wandered in off the street for their coffee, stuntman Travis Gravis spilled coffee on a laptop belonging to actress Andrea Morales.
14 Jun 2014 10:35:00
Ohio Amish Barn Raising

Teacher Scott Miller recently helped his Amish neighbors with a barn raising. Along with lending a hand in the process, Miller set up his camera to photograph the event. From 7 a.m. until 5 p.m., Miller's camera snapped away as the community created their newest building from the ground up.
09 Sep 2014 09:54:00
The best Friends Kitty and Buttons (Video)

This adorable and unlikely pair of best friends are inseperable. Kitty the kitten was abandoned and Buttons the Jack Russell was rejected by his mum. They eat, sleep and play together while they are being hand reared at our centre in Old Windsor, Berkshire. We would love for them to find a new home together when they are ready to leave our care in the near future.
04 Nov 2016 02:23:00
Norwegian Trolls By Ivar Rodningen Part 1

Ivar Rodningem is a professional illustrator, whose imaginative mind transports us into a parallel world where trolls roam the lands.

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19 Dec 2016 23:59:00
Official The Simpsons LEGO Set

The Simpsons LEGO set that we previewed earlier here. In celebration of the animated sitcom series’ 25th anniversary, LEGO has paired up with Matt Groening‘s cartoon creation for a two-part collaboration that features arguably two of the largest entities in popular culture.

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26 Dec 2016 23:32:00

Godzilla - Game Boy Ad

Missing that old days of gaming when games were GAMES and not a dunghill of marketing bullshit with DLC? Sick of all this "press X to win"? So remember the CLASSIC!
08 Jan 2014 10:43:00