Living Paintings By Alexa Meade

The artworks that Alexa Meade makes are very unique and original. A usual painter creates a 2D or a 3D drawing on flat 2D surface. Alexa, on the other hand, draws over the body of a regular person, making them look like a 2D painting. The pictures of these people are almost uncanny, as you realize that the eyes “paintings” are real, and suddenly it dawns upon you that you are seeing a living and breathing human being. It is weird how we perceive this world, and how easy it is to trick our brain into thinking that it’s seeing a two-dimensional object. (Photo by Alexa Meade)
12 Nov 2014 14:08:00
Giant Globe Made From Matches By Andy Yoder

Do you ever get the irresistible urge to light matches on fire, especially if there are many of them in one place? If you do, you shouldn’t come near the giant globe made by an American artist Andy Yoder. The thing is, this 42” globe is made entirely out of matches on the outside, while the center was made using plywood, foam, and cardboard. It took Andy two years to complete his work, finally finishing in 2014. Each of the matches used was hand-painted and then glued in place. Also, in order to prevent his masterpiece from catching fire, Andy Yoder has doused his work with a flame repellant.
27 Feb 2015 03:32:00
What 200 Calories Looks Like In Different Foods Part 3

Some foods have significantly more Calories than others but what does the difference actually look like. Each of the photographs below represents 200 Calories of the particular type of food; the images are sorted from low to high calorie density. When you consider that an entire plate of broccoli contains the same number of Calories as a small spoonful of peanut butter, you might think twice the next time you decide what to eat. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average adult needs to consume about 2000 – 2500 Calories to maintain their weight. In other words, you have a fixed amount of Calories to "spend" each day; based on the following pictures, which would you eat?

See Also: Ppart 1 _ Part 2
02 Aug 2014 09:53:00

Woody Allen may not be your first pick to win a boxing match, but in this clip of the director, Allen totally outclasses a kangaroo in the ring.
31 Dec 2012 23:59:00
Reykjavik Invasion By Sig Vicious

Awesome conceptual art by Sig Vicious. Enjoy and be inspired!
18 Jan 2013 11:10:00
Cassette Tape Art By Benoit Jammes

So I'm a 33 year old graphic designer, and I live in Paris, France
This work on cassette tapes is entirely handmade, with a bit of work but so nostalgia... It so happened that I found a bunch of old cassettes at home; seeing them brought me back, in thought, to an earlier time, the 80s, and to me as a kid. In any case, I could not play them any more so resurrecting them sounded like a good idea...it was sound, it became visual! And I am pretty sure they are more happy now than in a shoebox :-)
I think people from my generation relate to this work because many enjoy the funny side of it, the references. They are happy to see that these old cassette tapes managed to start a new life!

Signed and numbered prints are available for sale.

Benoit Jammes

11 Apr 2013 11:06:00
26 May 2012 07:50:00
Hoghton Towers 1940

Living History comes to Hoghton Tower with the sights and sounds of the 1940's.
28 May 2012 01:40:00