Military Woman Part 3

'Military woman' is a constantly updated gallery of images of women wearing uniform: military, police and so on. We truly hope that our beloved visitors won't remain passive and will take part in this project making it even more interesting! Note that all the images featured in the gallery are taken from publically available sources: their copyright belongs to their respective creators and the trade mark to the owners. ...

See also:Part 1 _ Part 2
11 Mar 2015 10:29:00
Military Woman Patr2

'Military woman' is a constantly updated gallery of images of women wearing uniform: military, police and so on. We truly hope that our beloved visitors won't remain passive and will take part in this project making it even more interesting! Note that all the images featured in the gallery are taken from publically available sources: their copyright belongs to their respective creators and the trade mark to the owners. ...

See also:Part 1
10 Mar 2015 10:29:00
What Ali Wore By Zoe Spawton

Every morning at 9:05 AM sharp, a strikingly dapper octogenarian saunters by Zoe Spawton's coffee shop on his way to work in the Berlin borough of Neukölln. That man's name is Ali. He is an 83-year-old Turkish tailor who has been living in Germany for the past 44 years. He has 18 kids, and an impeccable sense of style.
05 Apr 2013 10:44:00
Zoo Portraits By Yago Partal

Zoo Portraits is amazing and creative project by Yago Partal, talented Barcelona-based graphic artist and photographer, who mixes fashion photography and animals in an excellent series of portraits of animals dressed as humans. via PhotoHab
04 Apr 2013 10:02:00
Heroes And Their Fans

Often want to be like your favorite heroes, but not always.
12 Oct 2012 10:57:00
Switcheroo Photo Project by Hana Pesut

Switcheroo is a dual portrait series by Vancouver-based photographer Hana Pesut. Accomplices are photographed twice, once in their own clothes and again wearing reversed outfits against the same background. The magic in this series lies in the similitude of the normal and affected versions that becomes distanced when their variances become more apparent
05 Sep 2012 07:53:00