Photos from 虹桥故事's photostream. Attention! From Chinese to English translated by Google!
1948年5月,绣花的母女 (In May 1948, embroidered mother and daughter)
1948年5月,贩卖蛇和蛇药的小贩 (In May 1948, hawkers selling snakes and snake medicine)
1948年5月,杂技表演 (May 1948, acrobatics)
1948年5月,从篱笆缝中偷看杂技表演的一家 (In May 1948 a peep from the fence cracks acrobatics)
1948年5月,打磕聦的三轮车夫 (May 1948, playing knock Cong tricycle)
1948年5月,在外百渡桥上乞讨的女人 (In May 1948, outside the woman begging in the one hundred Bridge)
1948年1月,绘有好莱坞明星Lana Turner的广告牌 (In January 1948, painted billboards of Hollywood star Lana Turner)
1948年3月,迎客的画室老板 (In March 1948, welcoming)
1948年3月,外滩,满载美国棉花的驳船。 (March 1948, the Bund, fully loaded barges of U.S. cotton)
1948年3月,外滩,一群妇女儿童追赶一辆满载棉花的卡车。 (In March 1948, the Bund, a group of women and children to catch up with a truck loaded with cotton)
1948年3月,外滩,便衣警察棒打偷拿棉花的老太。 (In March 1948, the Bund, plainclothes police officers wreck stole cotton Granny)
1948年3月,外滩。警察逮捕拿棉花的母女。 (In March 1948, the Bund. Arrested by the police to take the cotton mother and daughter)
1947年12月,在河边贫民窟凉晒衣服的女人 (In December 1947 the riverside slum woman Liangshai clothes)
1947年12月,借住在棺材铺的小孩 (In December 1947, staying with the children of the Guan Caipu)
1947年12月,三轮收尸车把一童尸送往临时收尸站 (In December 1947, three corpses handlebar a child corpse sent to the temporary corpses station)
1947年12月24日,圣诞前夕。等待火化的流浪孩尸体。在这圣诞节前后的二三天内 ,这个收尸站就从街上收了70多具小孩尸体。 (December 24, 1947, Christmas Eve. Wait for the cremated corpses of homeless children. In two or three days before and after this Christmas, the corpses station from the street, received over 70 with a child's body)
1948年1月,沈阳。手握刺刀枪的国军哨兵。 (January 1948, Shenyang. Hand stab knives and guns Guojun Sentinel)
1948年1月,沈阳。在齐膝雪中训练的国民党步兵 (January 1948, Shenyang. Nationalist infantry training in the knee snow)
1948年1月,沈阳。路卡,共军的有? (January 1948, Shenyang. Army roadblocks?)
1948年一月,沈阳。两个受宽大处理的共军俘虏 (January 1948, Shenyang. Two by the leniency of POWs)
1948年1月,沈阳。骡死了! (January 1948, Shenyang. The mule dead)
1948年1月,沈阳。被俘的共军女兵。据军方称,这些女兵是共军的“慰安妇”。你相 信吗? (January 1948, Shenyang.The army captured female. The military said the female is the “comfort women” of the army. Do you believe it?)
1948年3月。数工资的工人。 (March 1948. The number of wage workers)
1948年2月,打气枪。 (February 1948, playing air gun)
1948年4月。帮父亲推运柴木的十岁男孩。 (April 1948. The pushing of firewood-year-old boy helped his father)
1948年1月,卖年画。 (January 1948, selling pictures)
1949年4月,与黄包车夫讨价还价的外国海员。 (In April 1949, foreign seafarers to bargain with the rickshaw)
1949年4月,战争将临,酒吧生意清淡,白俄和华女招待无聊地打发时间。 (In April 1949, the war will be temporary, light bar business)
1948年11月,南京,一国军部队沿着铁路向上海进发。 (In November 1948, Nanjing, a national army troops along the railway moving to Shanghai)
1948年1月,舞女们冲击上海社会局抗议提升执照费。 (In January 1948, dancers have the impact of the Shanghai Bureau of Social Affairs to protest enhance the license fee)
1948年2月,警察搜查罢工的纺织厂女工。 (February 1948, police searched the strike of the textile mill workers)
1948年2月,警察看守在罢工暴乱中流血的工人。 (February 1948, the police guard in the strike riots, bloodshed workers)
1948年11月, 上海,从北方前线撤下的一童军喝着同伴水壶里的水。 (In November 1948, Shanghai, removed from the northern front of a Scout drinking companion kettle of water)
1948年10月, 上海黄浦路,在街边剃头的从东北撤下来的士兵。 (In October 1948, Shanghai Huangpu, soldiers removed from the northeast to shave their heads in the street)
1948年10月, 浦口,穿着捐来的衣服怀抱婴儿的少妇。 (In October 1948, Pukou, wearing donated clothes baby in tow to the young woman)
1948年11月, 浦口,在运货车上等待重新调防的士兵。 (In November 1948, Pukou wait for the re-redeployment of soldiers in the freight car)
1948年6月,学生抗议美国重新武装日本。 (In June 1948, student protests, the United States re-armed Japan)
1948年6月,士兵与装甲车阻止交大学生参加游行。 (In June 1948, soldiers and armored vehicles blocked the National Chiao Tung University students to participate in the procession)
1948年11月,南京,等火车的小脚女人。 (In November 1948, Nanjing, and other train women with bound feet)
1948年10月, 浦口,想向溃军兜售鸡鸭的农民。 (October 1948, Pukou, farmers in selling chickens and ducks to the collapse of the military)
1948年11月, 蚌埠,停在士兵铺盖上的鸽子。 (In November 1948, Bengbu, stopped the soldiers bedding pigeons)
1949年5月上旬,共产党嫌疑犯及经济犯在公审后从福州路警察局示众游行到刑场执行 枪决。 (In early May 1949, the Communist Party of suspects and economic criminals from Fuzhou Road police station in a public trial in public procession to the execution ground and executed)
1949年5月上旬,将被枪决的共产党嫌疑犯被押到闸北公园刑场 (Early May 1949, the Communist Party of the suspects were executed was brought to the Zhabei Park execution ground)
1949年5月上旬,上海闸北公园,用Colt自动手枪枪决共产党嫌疑犯 (In early May 1949, the Shanghai Zhabei Park Colt automatic pistol by firing squad of the Communist Party of suspects)
1949年5月上旬,行刑者用冲锋枪枪毙第二个共产党嫌疑犯 (In early May 1949, the executioner with assault rifles shot the second of the Communist Party of suspects)
1949年5月,国军士兵禁止农民进城卖菜。 (In May 1949, the national army soldiers ban on farmers into selling vegetables)
1949年5月,生意清淡的三轮车和塌车。 (In May 1949, business was light tricycle and the collapse of the car)
1949年5月,一欧洲女人在原法租界遛狗。 (In May 1949, a European woman walking the dog in the former French Concession)
1949年5月,小贩贱卖。 (In May 1949, hawkers offering)
1949年3月,上海北站,逃难者挤满了南下的列车。 (In March 1949, Shanghai North Railway Station, flight packed train southward)
1948年11月,浦口,一老妇在站台上检碎谷。 (November 1948, Pukou, an old woman on the platform, seized broken valley)
1949年3月,上海北站,逃难者挤满了南下的列车。 (In March 1949, Shanghai North Railway Station, flight packed train southward)
1949年3月,南下逃难者挤在一火车头上。 (In March 1949, the south fled crowded in a locomotive)
1949年5月,一外滩银行前的沙袋和士兵。 (In May 1949, a Bund bank of sandbags and soldiers)
1949年5月,一村民拉着他的所有家产向市区进发。 (In May 1949, the villagers took all his possessions, moving to urban areas)
1949年5月,四川路上的国军“胜利”游行。 看来“战上海”里描述的国军战败后的庆祝游行还是有事实依据的。 (In May 1949, Sichuan Road, Guojun “victory” parade. Opinion described in the war Shanghai Guojun after the defeat of the parade or factual basis)
12 Aug 2012 08:41:00,
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