Taking the highways in North Korea is a great experience as it allows to see the daily life of the country not controled by the government like in Pyongyang. They connect the main towns of the countries and are totally empty of cars. It makes a very strange atmosphere as the roads are as large as airstrips, but in bad shapes with lot of bumpings and holes. Everything is planned when you travel in North Korea, even the bathrooms stops, as according to the guide, it is too dangerous to stop on the highway to make a pee stop! Some shops in the middle of nowhere welcome you for a relaxing moment where one more time, you’ll be able to read some propaganda on the walls. It will also allow your driver to buy cheap Soju (rice alcool) that they drink like Red Bulls but with different side effects! Here: Workers on the highway were reparaing the road on the left side. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

The kind of scene you can see along the highway. Overloaded trucks but broken down with lot of smoke coming out... I was allowed to make those pics as after lunch, my guides were enjoying the confort of the bus seats and snoring... (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Ironically, the only advertising billboards you can see in Pyongyang are about... cars! (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

All along the highway near the south korean border, you can see those huge cement blocks. They can be used to block the highway in case of american invasion. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

A kid with his gooses on the highway side. Most of the time people use the highway for their daily activities and are surprised to see cars or buses on it. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

The trips on the highways allow to see the reality of the countryside, and the lack of development. it seems time has frozen in the 50s. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Yes, in North Korea, you can bike without danger on highways. Lot of peple try to stop cars but they need to wait for hours... When i asked to stop to take them as the tourist bus i had was empty, my guide refused, saying it was totally impossible to do this. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

It is forbidden to enter Pyongyang with a dirty car, so after a long trip on the highway, the cars are the buses are cleaned before entering the town. It is a way to respect the town of the Leaders told my guide. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Workers on the highway were reparaing the road on the left side. On the right side, a live orchestra was playing! Me: What is the orchestra doing on the highway??? My guide: Mr Eric, they are playing for the workers... it’s nicer to work with music, is it not? (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Most of the time people use the highway for their daily activities and are surprised to see cars or buses on it. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Yes, in North Korea, you can bike without danger on highways. Lot of peple try to stop cars but they need to wait for hours... When i asked to stop to take them as the tourist bus i had was empty, my guide refused, saying it was totally impossible to do this. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

The kind of scene you can see along the highway. Overloaded trucks but broken down with lot of smoke coming out... I was allowed to make those pics as after lunch, my guides were enjoying the confort of the bus seats and snoring... (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Workers on the highway were reparaing the road on the left side. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Workers on the highway were reparaing the road on the left side. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

A small souvenir shop on the highway. They were selling some apples. 1 euro the apple! It was the first fruits of my trip in two weeks! (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

Me:can we make a bathroom stop? My guide: no, it is too dangerous to stop on the highway. Me: but we haven’t seen any cars for an hour!! My guide: a stop is schduled at half way! (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

In the middle of nowhere on the highway, a stop is planned by the guides in shops that sell alcool. My bus driver enjoyed to drink soju, the rice alcool, like our western drivers drink Red Bulls! (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)

The highways are so large that planes could land on them. (Photo by Eric Lafforgue/Exclusivepix Media)
24 Jul 2017 09:19:00,
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