“Jet-powered paint splatters an 8-foot-by-8-foot canvas just off the runway of Palm Beach International Airport. A diminutive woman in a black cat suit teeters as she tosses quarts of brightly colored paint into the hurricane-force winds created by a Lear jet’s engine. The question isn’t whether this is art, agree those who pay Tarinan von Anhalt $50,000 a pop to watch this spectacle. The question is whose”.

Captain Chad Gilmore readies the engine to start blowing jet wash for the painting. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Captain Chad Gilmore readies the engine to start blowing jet wash for the painting. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Paint is scattered in the jet wash. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Paint is scattered in the jet wash. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Painting is halted so more plastic tarp can be laid on the tarmac. A small private plane near the painting area was  speckled in blue paint and had to be cleaned before the princess could continue with the multiple canvases planned for the day. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Painting is halted so more plastic tarp can be laid on the tarmac. A small private plane near the painting area was speckled in blue paint and had to be cleaned before the princess could continue with the multiple canvases planned for the day. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan von Anhalt manipulates the paint on a large canvas. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan von Anhalt manipulates the paint on a large canvas. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt paints in the jet wash. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt paints in the jet wash. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan tosses a column of purple paint into the jet wash. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan tosses a column of purple paint into the jet wash. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt instructs the pilot to reduce engine power as assistants prepare to move one of her finished paintings. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt instructs the pilot to reduce engine power as assistants prepare to move one of her finished paintings. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan works on a canvas. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan works on a canvas. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt reloads a blue painting bottle. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt reloads a blue painting bottle. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt's face bears the paint splatter from her jet wash painting technique. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Von Anhalt's face bears the paint splatter from her jet wash painting technique. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan von Anhalt poses with a canvas at the event. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)

Princess Tarinan von Anhalt poses with a canvas at the event. (Photo by Thomas Cordy/The Palm Beach Post)
08 May 2013 03:22:00