Contestants celebrate on stage in the “Miss Gordita” beauty contest grand finale, in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. Even as event organizers try to fight discrimination against plus-size women, awards for contestants include appointments with a nutritionist and annual gym memberships. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
Isabel Sosa competes in the swimsuit portion of the fourth annual “Miss Gordita” beauty contest in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. Brazilian-Paraguayan writer Michael Beras became aware of the discrimination against obese women while working on research for his book on heterosexual couples, and thought the pageant would be a way to to enhance the self-esteem of women carrying extra pounds. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
A fan of a contestant cheers holding a poster with a message of support that reads in Spanish; “Strength Smady Viveros” during the fourth edition of the “Miss Gordita” beauty contest in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. In a country in which 57% of the population is obese according to the Ministry of Health, it's not the most popular of events, attended mostly by friends and family. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
Cintia Colina, talks on how the Miss Gordita 2014 title has turned her life around, gaining a newfound confidence, before passing on her title to the “Miss Gordita 2015” during the fourth edition of the beauty contest in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
Contestant Emilce Lezcano, center, prepares for the evening gown portion of the “Miss Gordita” beauty contest in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. In their elegant evening gowns and elaborate hair styles, the contestants defy the conventional idea that only skinny women can be beautiful. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
Raquel Gimenez receives the queen's sash after she was crowned “Miss Gordita” from a field of 13 contestants, in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. In a country in which 57% of the population is obese according to the Ministry of Health, it's not the most popular of events, attended mostly by friends and family. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
A judge makes a picture of contestant Emilia Martinez as she competes in the swimsuit portion of the fourth annual “Miss Gordita” beauty contest in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. Contestants and organizers see the pageant as a way to fight discrimination against overweight and obese people in general, and women in particular. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
Contestant Isabel Sosa waits for the start of the fourth annual “Miss Gordita” beauty contest in Asuncion, Paraguay, Saturday, April 25, 2015. (Photo by Jorge Saenz/AP Photo)
28 Apr 2015 13:17:00,
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