A young polar bear feasts on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. As climate change shrinks their natural habitat, polar bears are turning Kaktovik into their very own sanctuary city. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A young polar bear feasts on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. As climate change shrinks their natural habitat, polar bears are turning Kaktovik into their very own sanctuary city. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A mother polar bear (L) and two of her cubs gather on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A mother polar bear (L) and two of her cubs gather on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears gather a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears gather a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears prepare to feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears prepare to feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears gather on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears gather on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A permafrost ice cellar, which at one time served as a natural freezer for food, is now flooded by melted permafrost in the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A permafrost ice cellar, which at one time served as a natural freezer for food, is now flooded by melted permafrost in the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A front loader washes a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, in the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 09 September 2017. The hunt is deemed vital for the community, providing thousands of pounds of food as well as a direct link to the Inupiat's cultural identity. As climate change diminishes their natural habitat, polar bears are turning Kaktovik into their very own sanctuary city. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A front loader washes a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, in the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 09 September 2017. The hunt is deemed vital for the community, providing thousands of pounds of food as well as a direct link to the Inupiat's cultural identity. As climate change diminishes their natural habitat, polar bears are turning Kaktovik into their very own sanctuary city. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A young polar bear prepares to feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 12 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A young polar bear prepares to feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 12 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears feast on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears play in the water after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 09 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears play in the water after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 09 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A polar bears walks along a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A polar bears walks along a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears gather on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

Polar bears gather on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A polar bear plays in the water after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A polar bear plays in the water after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 11 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A polar bear rolls in the dirt on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)

A polar bear rolls in the dirt on a barrier island after feasting on the remains of a bowhead whale, harvested legally by whalers during their annual subsistence hunt, just outside the Inupiat village of Kaktovik, Alaska, USA, 10 September 2017. (Photo by Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/EFE)
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