Interior of the silk mill in Japan showing the looms on April 4, 1944. All of the goods being processed are for reparations and souvenirs for the Allied occupation troops and shipment abroad. (Photo by Charles Gorry/AP Photo)

Margaret Gorman from Washington D.C. smiles, wearing a large Statue of Liberty crown and a striped cape, as the first Miss America, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1921. The Miss America Pageant was first devised as a way to extend the summer tourist season in the beach-front town. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

In this July 24, 1967 file photo, National Guardsmen, called in to restore order by Gov. George Romney, stop their vehicle near a Detroit fire truck in the neighborhood that was ravaged by rioting the previous day. Many in the community blamed frustrations blacks felt toward the mostly white police, and city policies that pushed families into aging and over-crowded neighborhoods. (Photo by AP Photo)

Happy, bewildered, or just tired, these are some of the faces on a crowded train leaving Bhopal station as rumors made people leave their homes in case further gas leaks occurred at the Union Carbide plant, December 12, 1984. (Photo by Peter Kemp/AP Photo)

Haik Gazarian, 11, from Caracas, Venezuela, who now lives in New York, tries to cut a toy “Force Wand”, an illuminated toy sword inspired by the film “Stars Wars”, during the visit to the toy department store, on Wednesday December 22, 1977. In the background are a number of other toys inspired by the current popularity of “Space Opera” type films. (Photo by Marty Lederhandler/AP Photo)

A train gets ready to haul a load of coal down to the markets of Japan from a coal mining area on the island of Hokkaido, Japan on December 28, 1947. (Photo by Charles Gorry/AP Photo)

Basketball's Wilt Chamberlain, left, and jockey Bill Shoemaker warm up their bowling game before starting competition in “Dynamic Duos” match, Thursday, December 15, 1977 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The show is being taped by the NBC sports network for showing in late January. (Photo by Wally Fong/AP Photo)

Looters carry their goods on December 27, 1972 in Managua, amid the rubble of earthquake destroyed Managua, Nicaragua, last Tuesday. (Photo by AP Photo)

The American Thunderbolt fighter squadron which have destroyed more than 200 German planes to date, have added to their score when they escorted American heavies in bombing raids on French airfields in France on February 6, 1944. Pilots of the best flight in the crack Thunderbolt squadron from left to right: Lieutenant Joe Powers, Lieutenant Joe Hamilton, Captain Robert Johnson, Lieutenant Andrew B. Stauss and Lieutenant Joseph H. Perry. (Photo by AP Photo)

Actress Farrah Fawcett leaves Los Angeles Superior Court following Judge Harry Schaefer's decision that the $2.5 million home of Ms. Fawcett and her estranged husband Lee Majors is community property, February 16, 1982. At right is an unidentified sheriff's deputy. (Photo by Lennox McLendon/AP Photo)

Through the century-old rows of vines, too close together to permit use of tractors, a workers in the Paul Masson Vineyards, on January 10, 1964 in Saratoga, California, guides a horse-drawn plow. (Photo by AP Photo)

Worshipers at the Lord Krishna Festival, January 18, 1970. (Photo by Spencer Jones/AP Photo)

Miss Teresa Derci, 21, of Wertsville, N.J., walks near her home as she pointed out tracks of an automobile which she believes may have some bearing of the Lindbergh kidnapping case, March 17, 1932. Miss Derci said three men in an automobile stopped near her home on Feb. 22 and asked the way to the Lindbergh home. It was deduced by some observers that the planning of the kidnapping may have been made that day, although the Lindbergh baby was at the Morrow home in Englewood, N.J., at the time. (Photo by AP Photo)

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority train, known as the В«TВ» moves along the overhead structure part of the Orange Line near the Dover Street station in Boston, March 21, 1980 (Photo by Stu Rosner/AP Photo)

Jim Bell, 17, the fastest draw in the Frontier Quick Draw Club, demonstrates his speed against a “bad man” target in Chicago, Ill., January 9, 1959. Jim can draw in 19/100ths of a second. The gun slingers use wax bullets which they make themselves. Live ammunition is forbidden. (Photo by Edward Kitch/AP Photo)

Mary Ann Vecchio gestures and screams as she kneels by the body of a student lying face down on the campus of Kent State University, Kent, Ohio on May 4, 1970. National Guardsmen had fired into a crowd of demonstrators, killing four. (Photo by John Filo/AP Photo)

In the highlands of Ecuador survive thousands of Quichua Indians, whose ancestors built up great civilizations in prehistoric times. They have changed little in dress and habits during thousands of years. Dandies of the Andes are these dashing Xowboys of the region of Colta, Ecuador, on May 5, 1938. They look after a few cattle but have no horses. Picture made during the expedition of Captain G. Allan Hancock to Ecuador. (Photo by AP Photo)

Mothers with babies in carriages sit in the playground of the New York City Housing Authority's Alfred E. Smith Houses on the Lower East Side, May 3, 1956. Blacks and whites live together in this housing project of 8,000 persons, half of whom are children. (Photo by Bob Wands/AP Photo)

Two Girls who managed to evade the police walk away as police on foot and horseback push back to te curd at Park Row, In New York on April 26, 1960, A milling throng of more than 1,000 High students who storned city hall in a Demonstration supporting teachers wage demands. (Photo by AP Photo)

Skylab I astronauts, from front, Paul J. Weitz, Charles Conrad Jr., Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin, leave for the launch pad at Cape Kennedy, Fla., early Friday morning, May 25, 1973. The NASA SL-2 mission crew will blastoff to join their disabled space station Skylab to man the orbiting spacecraft that was launched on May 14. (Photo by AP Photo)
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