
Greetings, our dear visitors!

Without mincing words we would like to present a feature: Self-Publishing, let's call it Samizdat. :-) Sure we aren't Flickr, StumbleUpon or add_whatever_you_like, we're really small in comparison with these giants but we have constant, very attentive and grateful audience. All we can offer you is a place on the main page and attention of all our visitors to your posts, the things that are hard to achieve on numerous social services. Who knows, maybe tiny and humble indie project like AvaxNews will be much more helpful in searching of your audience than facebook for example. %-)

You can supply your posts with links to your websites, social network pages and all other places of your virtual habitation. We have only two wishes, first of all content that you're planning to publish must be interesting not only to you and secondly please provide as much as possible description to published photo materials. As for technical limitations there in only one: 10MB per image file (we support PNG, JPG, GIF).

In order to create publication please create an account or just log in using Google, Facebook, Twitter or Yahoo account and pay attention to the right bottom corner of your browser, there you'll see little helper "Walk me thru" which could give you almost all required knowledge about how to create your first post.

Please check you Trash/Junk or Spam folders if you can't see the confirmation email.

If you'll face any troubles or just want to ask something please don't hesitate and send us a message:
11 Oct 2013 10:17:00
Publication archive: