These snaps show a series of crafty critters camouflaged out of view. Many adventurous animals love to stand out from a crowd, but there are times when they need to blend in a bit more too.
Tall story: Can you spot the giraffe? (Photo by Caters News)
Slippery customer: Where is the snake? (Photo by Caters News)
Wild: An impala is hiding in his natural habitat – but where? (Photo by Caters News)
All white on the night: A snowy stoat doing his thing... (Photo by Caters News)
Twit twoo: An owl is hiding somewhere in the picture. (Photo by Caters News)
Bird brain: A Blue Dacnis in amongst the foliage. (Photo by Caters News)
Spotted: A leopard creeping towards you – can you see him? (Photo by Caters News)
Cuddly critter: An American Bika hiding out. (Photo by Caters News)
Earning his stripes: Can you spot the tiger? (Photo by Caters News)
Fowl play? Where is the snipe? (Photo by Caters News)
And the best of the lot: Can you spot the snow leopard camouflaged against the mountain? (Photo by Caters News)
04 Apr 2014 09:53:00,
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