Jimmy Arnold, an overweight boy from Rochester, bites into a cake. (Photo by Reg Birkett/Keystone/Getty Images). 14th April 1951
Stan Laurel (1890–1965) the stage name of Arthur Stanley Jefferson, the British born comedian and Oliver Hardy (1892–1957) the portly American comedian are resting in between scenes during the filming of the Hal Roach production of “Towed In A Hole”, directed by George Marshall. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). 1933
A happy, plump girl. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). Circa 1910
An overweight 13 year-old boy riding his bicycle. (Photo by Norman Smith/Fox Photos/Getty Images). 18th December 1936
20-stone ARP warden John Turner lifts up a car to help a colleague change the tyre on her car. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images). 12th July 1940
A portly gentleman comforts a distressed woman in a scene from the film 'Dir Bleibt Die Luftweg'. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). Circa 1926
Tom Tom of Chicago who weighs 745 lbs and is said to be the heaviest man in the world. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). Circa 1935
Two stout men stuck in a doorway. From an unknown German film. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1930
Comic film actor Pauley. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). Circa 1932
Mrs Stark enjoys a cup of tea at her typewriter. (Photo by Charles Hewitt/Picture Post/Getty Images). 5th February 1955
Heavyweight golf contestants. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1923
Tipping the scales at slightly more than 456 pounds, 46 year old Piet van der Zwaard claims to be the fattest man in Europe, and he has issued a challenge to all who think they can out-weigh him. He eats twelve meals a day “to keep up his strength”. (Photo by Arie Van Vliet/BIPs/Getty Images). November 1955
An overweight man in a three-piece suit dozing in London's Hyde Park. (Photo by August Darwell/Picture Post/Getty Images). 7th October 1939
A large woman going for a run on a Jersey beach. (Photo by Haywood Magee/Picture Post/Getty Images). 25th April 1953
From L to R: A Rockwitz (312lbs), comedian Eddie Carvey (250lbs), David Burns (475lbs) and F C Kupper (351lbs) at a meeting of the Fat Mens' Club in New York. Eddie Carvey is the president and David Burns the secretary. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1930
Australian actor Barney Worth makes his way to Kennards Christmas Show in Wimbledon, where he is playing the part of Santa Claus, 19th November 1941. Worth weighs 42 stone, making him one of the largest Santas in London. (Photo by Fred Morley/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Singer Jack Leonard looking in the window of the Fat Men's Shop in New York City circa 1940's. (Photo by Keystone View/FPG/Getty Images)
Private Mona Sales of the Territorial Army arriving for duty after she was told she was too fat to join the army. With her are Anne Jones (left) and Lilian Philips. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images). 29th June 1954
Gerald Campion (1921–2002) reprises his television role of the corpulent schoolboy for the pantomime “Billy Bunter Flies East” at the Victoria Palace, London. A dress rehearsal finds Billy in typical pose, having his cake and eating it under the table. (Photo by George W. Hales/Fox Photos/Getty Images). 21st December 1959
An obese man standing next to his American car. (Photo by George Heyer/Three Lions/Getty Images). Circa 1955
An overweight couple dancing at Butlin's annual festival at the Royal Albert Hall, London. (Photo by Edward Miller/Getty Images). 1962
The McGuire brothers, a pair of American pro-wrestlers, astound the locals on a trip to Japan. (Photo by Keystone Features/Getty Images). 10th March 1974
A generously-built lady tries on a bra at Evans the Outsize Shop in south London. (Photo by John Chillingworth/Picture Post/Getty Images). 24th May 1952
Tipping the scales at slightly more than 456 pounds, 46 year old Piet van der Zwaard claims to be the fattest man in Europe, and he has issued a challenge to all who think they can out-weigh him. He eats twelve meals a day “to keep up his strength”. (Photo by Arie Van Vliet/BIPs/Getty Images). November 1955
15-year-old Billie Barton, of Earls Barton, Northampshire, has gained another stone in weight in the last year in the hope of appearing in a film of Billy Bunter's Schooldays. The 18 stone youngster is seen here in training for the part. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). Circa 1940
Jack Leonard tries on a pair of trousers in the Fat Men's Shop in New York City with the help of a fitter circa 1940's. (Photo by Keystone View/FPG/Getty Images)
Even wrapped in warm clothing it is obvious that these two boys are very overweight. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1930
An overweight couple eating french fries from a stall at a funfair, USA, circa 1955. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Chief Petty Officer George Cook, the heaviest man in the Navy, one of the heroes of Narvik, with a jersey he received from the Newfoundland War Committee. It proved too large for him. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). 1940
Jean Jumel, a member of the Cent Kilo club for overweight men, which aims to increase public tolerance of obesity. He weighs 160 kilos and his waist measures 64 inches. (Photo by BIPS/Getty Images). 9th May 1956
Overweight pet shop owner Milan Greer examines one of his Siamese kittens. (Photo by Susan Schiff Faludi/Three Lions/Getty Images). Circa 1965
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