Khan, a five-year-old male White Bengal tiger, looks on inside an open-air cage at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, October 21, 2016. (Photo by Ilya Naymushin/Reuters)

Khan, a five-year-old male White Bengal tiger, looks on inside an open-air cage at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, October 21, 2016. (Photo by Ilya Naymushin/Reuters)
22 Oct 2016 10:23:00
A motorcycle sits at the site of a destroyed home after the Soberanes Fire burned through the Palo Colorado area, north of Big Sur, California, July 31, 2016. (Photo by Michael Fiala/Reuters)

A motorcycle sits at the site of a destroyed home after the Soberanes Fire burned through the Palo Colorado area, north of Big Sur, California, July 31, 2016. (Photo by Michael Fiala/Reuters)
02 Aug 2016 07:53:00
A 14-month-old cub, cooling off in a pond, is riveted by a deer that appeared near the shore. Tigers are powerful swimmers; they can easily cross rivers four to five miles wide and have been known to swim distances of up to 18 miles. (Photo by Steve Winter/National Geographic)

National Geographic photographer Steve Winter has spent most of his adult life shooting wild cats. Photo: A 14-month-old cub, cooling off in a pond, is riveted by a deer that appeared near the shore. Tigers are powerful swimmers; they can easily cross rivers four to five miles wide and have been known to swim distances of up to 18 miles. (Photo by Steve Winter/National Geographic)
08 Apr 2014 11:52:00
Kent Josephso organizes his 8mm tracer rounds during the Big Sandy Shoot in Mohave County, Arizona March 23, 2013. The Big Sandy Shoot is the largest organized machine gun shoot in the United States attended by shooters from around the country. Vintage and replica style machine guns and cannons are some of the weapons displayed during the event. Picture taken March 22, 2013. (Photo by Joshua Lott/Reuters)

Kent Josephso organizes his 8mm tracer rounds during the Big Sandy Shoot in Mohave County, Arizona March 23, 2013. The Big Sandy Shoot is the largest organized machine gun shoot in the United States attended by shooters from around the country. Vintage and replica style machine guns and cannons are some of the weapons displayed during the event. Picture taken March 22, 2013. (Photo by Joshua Lott/Reuters)
02 Apr 2013 12:47:00
The Big Fashion Wardrobe

General view of the stands in the Atrium during the Big Fashion Wardrobe Spring/Summer fashion and beauty event at Westfield London shopping centre on March 29, 2011 in London, United Kingdom.
29 Mar 2011 20:12:00
An Amur tiger walks across a passageway after a news conference at the Philadelphia Zoo, Wednesday, May 7, 2014, in Philadelphia. (Photo by Matt Slocum/AP Photo)

An Amur tiger walks across a passageway after a news conference at the Philadelphia Zoo, Wednesday, May 7, 2014, in Philadelphia. The see-through mesh pathway called Big Cat Crossing is part of a national trend called animal rotation that zoos use to enrich the experience of both creatures and guests. (Photo by Matt Slocum/AP Photo)
12 May 2014 12:20:00
A Xikrin woman holds her husband's shotgun while he cleans freshly hunted peccary in the river. According to tradition, Xikrin women are not allowed to leave the village while their husbands are out hunting a wife must patiently wait for his return. (Taylor Weidman)

A Xikrin woman holds her husband's shotgun while he cleans freshly hunted peccary in the river. According to tradition, Xikrin women are not allowed to leave the village while their husbands are out hunting a wife must patiently wait for his return. (Photo and caption by Taylor Weidman)
13 Dec 2013 09:32:00
Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg's 'Stranger Visions', comprising of 3D printed faces extracted from DNA taken from discarded cigarette butts and chewing gum, is displayed at the Big Bang Data exhibition at Somerset House on December 2, 2015 in London, England. (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images for Somerset House)

Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg's 'Stranger Visions', comprising of 3D printed faces extracted from DNA taken from discarded cigarette butts and chewing gum, is displayed at the Big Bang Data exhibition at Somerset House on December 2, 2015 in London, England. The show highlights the data explosion that's radically transforming our lives. It opens on December 3, 2015 and runs until February 28, 2016 at Somerset House. (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images for Somerset House)
04 Dec 2015 08:03:00