A competitor reacts ahead of Tough Guy Mudathon event in Perton, Britain, 04 February 2018. (Photo by  Nigel Roddis/EPA/EFE)

A competitor reacts ahead of Tough Guy Mudathon event in Perton, Britain, 04 February 2018. The original event which started in 1987 raises money for charity and challenges thousands of international competitors with a cross-country run followed by an assault course consisting of 20 obstacles including water, fire and tunnels. (Photo by Nigel Roddis/EPA/EFE)
07 Feb 2018 06:27:00
Hot Guys and Cats Striking Part2

Cats and p*rn have got to be the two most searched keywords on the Internet, and finally there’s a whole page dedicated to both! “Des Hommes et des Chatons” tumblr page presents a hilarious series of diptychs showing hot guys and cats doing similar expressions and poses. And as if it wasn’t enough, the combinations include such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Pierce Brosnan.

See also:
07 May 2013 10:48:00
Hot Guys and Cats Striking Part3

Cats and p*rn have got to be the two most searched keywords on the Internet, and finally there’s a whole page dedicated to both! “Des Hommes et des Chatons” tumblr page presents a hilarious series of diptychs showing hot guys and cats doing similar expressions and poses. And as if it wasn’t enough, the combinations include such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Pierce Brosnan.

See also:
08 May 2013 11:59:00
Portraits Out Of Packing Tape By Mark Khaisman

Born in 1958 in Kiev, Ukraine, artist Mark Khaisman studied Art and Architecture at the Moscow Architectural Institute in Russia. Now living in Philadelphia, USA, Khaisman uses rolls of brown packaging tape to create incredible works of art. Mark characterizes his work as ‘pictorial illusions formed by light and shadow’. The three key elements are: translucent packing tape, clear acrylic or film panels, and light. By superimposing layers of packaging tape Mark can ‘play on degrees of opacity that produces transparencies highlighted by the color, shading, and embossment’.
31 Jul 2014 11:41:00
Hot Guys and Cats Striking Part4

Cats and p*rn have got to be the two most searched keywords on the Internet, and finally there’s a whole page dedicated to both! “Des Hommes et des Chatons” tumblr page presents a hilarious series of diptychs showing hot guys and cats doing similar expressions and poses. And as if it wasn’t enough, the combinations include such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Pierce Brosnan.

See also:
Part2 Part3
09 May 2013 12:05:00
Two women jump into a frozen pond as they compete in the Polar Plunge at Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland, Colorado March 14, 2015. (Photo by Rick Wilking/Reuters)

Two women jump into a frozen pond as they compete in the Polar Plunge at Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland, Colorado March 14, 2015. The winter festival in the small mountain town commemorates the 1994 discovery of the corpse of Bredo Morstol, which is now housed in a shed on dry ice above the town. (Photo by Rick Wilking/Reuters)
16 Mar 2015 10:37:00
Amazon Amanda and Sergio on a day out in Central Park on May 25, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Ruaridh Connellan/Barcroft Media)

Amazon Amanda and Sergio on a day out in Central Park on May 25, 2014 in New York City. Meet Amazon Amanda – the 6ft 3 ins, 20 stone model who is paid to dwarf men. Amanda, 38, is a big hit with guys who like being squashed, crushed, wrestled or simply seen out in pubic with super-sized women. After growing too big to be a mainstream model, Amanda discovered a subculture where she could put her natural assets to good use. With 63 inch hips and a 44DD bust Amanda is worshipped by amazon fans all over the world. And shockingly she was once asked to crush a terminally ill client to death – so he could die doing what he loves. Despite the suggestive nature of her work Amanda insists nothing sexual ever takes place between her and her clients. (Photo by Ruaridh Connellan/Barcroft Media)
30 Jul 2014 10:52:00

A competitor scrambles in the mud under barbed wire during the Tough Guy Challenge 2009 at South Perton Farm on February 1, 2009 in Wolverhampton, England. The biannual event to raise cash for charity challenges thousands of international competitors to run through a gruelling set of 21 obstacles including water, fire and tunnels after a lengthy run at the start. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
18 Nov 2011 14:02:00