Second place, nature: double trapping. Picture taken in the Brazilian Pantanal ... when I downloaded the CF did not want to believe it ... The nature knows we always give magnificent events but sometimes extraordinary. (Photo by Massimiliano Bencivenni/National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest)

Second place, Nature: double trapping. Picture taken in the Brazilian Pantanal ... when I downloaded the CF did not want to believe it ... The nature knows we always give magnificent events but sometimes extraordinary. (Photo by Massimiliano Bencivenni/National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest)
02 Jul 2016 12:53:00
HRP-4C, a five-foot humanoid robot developed at Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, sings and dances with performers at the Digital Contents Expo in Tokyo on October 17, 2010. The robot runs entertainment software called Choreonoid, a name formed from the words “choreograph” and “humanoid”

HRP-4C, a five-foot humanoid robot developed at Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, sings and dances with performers at the Digital Contents Expo in Tokyo on October 17, 2010. The robot runs entertainment software called Choreonoid, a name formed from the words “choreograph” and “humanoid”. (Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP)
15 Apr 2012 11:44:00
Drawing By Andrew Ferez

Andrew Ferez, born and raised in Russia is an artist who inherited his creativity and interest in the arts early on and trained his artistic skills and knowledge ever since, in a never-ending process.
Andrew’s genre is a mix between macabre and horror with a poetic hint. His illustrations transports us into the deepest recesses of our mind, showing us impossible worlds that are both scary yet surprisingly familiar or enticing. Most of his artworks are two dimensional but in some of his latest artworks he used the help of some 3D software as well.
28 May 2014 18:26:00
Shen Yuxi (L), introduces analysis software to investors at a “street stock salon” in central Shanghai, China, September 5, 2015. Shen carries a TV screen on his electronic bike to the "salon" every weekends where he sets it up on the wall outside a brokerage house. Shen's been selling analysis software at "the salon" for more than 10 years. (Photo by Aly Song/Reuters)

Some are in it just for the money, others to help buy a meal. Then there are those who trade for fun or to spend time among friends. Millions of investors – pensioners, security guards, high-school students – dominate China's stock markets, conducting about 80 percent of all trades. Retirees gather in brokerage houses dotted around China also to enjoy some company and savour the air conditioning on hot days. Some start as young as 13, trading from home with an eye on future careers in finance. Winning isn't guaranteed. This year, among the most turbulent in China's financial history, its stock markets more than doubled in the six months to May, only to crash amid concerns that growth in the country, which makes everything from cars to steel, is slowing faster than previously thought. (Photo by Aly Song/Reuters)
13 Oct 2015 08:00:00
Art By Sarah Rosado

Sarah Rosado was born in New York. Her passion for Art began to develop at an early age. In school she excelled in Art class and was awarded many certificates for her detailed drawings. It wasn't until a couple of years ago when she decided to dedicate herself to her Art, completely. She mastered the paint program in microsoft and later moved on to more sophisticated paint software. Her work is a combination of Cartoon with Humor. Today, she has over 70 Art pieces that are part of her collection and it continues to grow
25 May 2013 12:10:00
Photo Project Of Eric Johansson

Erik Johansson is a Swedish photographer and professional retouch artist who likes to create breathtaking photo manipulations from his photographs by using his creative ideas. Photo manipulation or Photoshopping, as most of people know it, is the application of image editing techniques used by professionals as well as amateurs. Today, there are large numbers of numerous photo editing software available in the market. Erik Johansson graduated with a degree in computer engineering, but his passion is photography and he wonderfully mixed photography with creative Photoshopping. You can see in the images below that how beautifully he has created different moments from various fields of life. Erik Johansson lives and work in Berlin, Germany.
21 Feb 2013 10:40:00
“Dropping” – Artist uses high-speed photography to capture the beauty of ink and oil. (Photo by Alberto Seveso)

“Dropping” is the work of Italian graphic artist Alberto Seveso. Seveso captured these amazing images or “fluid sculpture” with the use of high-speed photography while mixing ink with oil, as a tribute to the dripping technique of Jackson Pollock. Seveso works from his home town of Portoscuso, Italy creating cutting edge imagery for ad campaigns for companies such as Adobe, Sony, ESPN, Nikon and more. Sevese says of his work: “I don't consider myself as an artist, I'm just someone playing with software and creativity”... (Photo by Alberto Seveso)
05 Jun 2015 08:17:00
Undercats By Sebastian Magnani

They might look like something straight out of a horror film, but these extraordinary images have been created to show the special bond between cats and their owners. Photographer Sebastian Magnani, 28, from Brig, Switzerland, took pictures of dogs and their owners using the same position and camera settings before working his magic with editing software. The result is this startling set of images, which show the pooches with human clothes – one wearing a hoodie, another with a red coat, one with a shirt and cardigan, and another with a blue jacket. (Photos by Sebastian Magnani)
20 May 2015 10:33:00