Crater Lake In Oregon

As you look at the majestic Crater Lake, located in south-central Oregon, United States, it is hard to imagine that thousands of years ago this place was one giant crater with scorching hot lava spilling over the sides. Those were the times of turmoil. Now, however, this place is the essence of tranquility. The lake that was formed, after the volcano died down, is amazingly clear due to the fact that the water isn’t moving at all. No rivers go in or out of the Crater Lake, and the water lost through evaporation is compensated by the rain and snowfall. This lake is also frighteningly deep – 1,943 feet (592 m) at its deepest point – making it the deepest lake in the United States. If you love nature and if you ever come to Oregon, this is truly a sight to behold.
19 Nov 2014 14:14:00
The Blind Owl With Stars Eyes

When you gaze into the eyes of this beautiful creature, you can almost make out constellations forming deep within. The name of this magnificent bird is Zeus, named after the Greek god of the sky for her one-of-a-kind eyes. The reason why she has such eyes is because she is blind. She was saved by a family in Southern California, when they found her injured on their front porch. After realizing that this poor creature is blind and unable to take care of itself, they took her to an animal hospital. After she healed up, everyone agreed that she should be sent to the Wildlife Learning Center. From that point on, Zeus has been happily living in the center. And though she cannot see, you can bet that her other senses are ten times as sharp. (Photo by Wildlife Learning Center)
24 Nov 2014 13:31:00
Amazing World By Al Hogue

Light is the sole reason why life exists. It provides us with warmth; it allows us to see; it nourishes all the living things on this planet. Many painters, especially the masters of Old Renaissance Period, have recognized the importance of light and its intimate connection with nature and life itself. In their paintings they gave tribute to light, giving the impression that their paintings had a light source hidden within them. Al Hogue, the artist who created the paintings that you see before you, has studied their techniques for many years. As time went by, light permeated not only his paintings by also his life, becoming his sole philosophy.
06 Mar 2015 06:03:00
Bounce Below The World’s First Subterranean Playground

If you’re afraid of heights, caves, the dark, suffer from claustrophobia or vertigo, this might not be for you, but if not, a small Welsh town has the perfect subterranean adventure for you: the world’s largest underground trampoline. Just unveiled in Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales, Bounce Below is a network of trampolines and slides mounted to the walls of an abandoned slate mine at heights of 20 feet to 180 feet off the ground. Visitors are welcome to climb, bounce, slide, and jump in the netting amidst a technicolor light show.
15 Jul 2014 11:19:00
Donut Doubles By Brandon Voges

Ever wonder what a human head would look like if he or she was turned into a pastry? Well now you can, thanks to the works created by the photographer Brandon Voges. Some of the pictures are light and funny, while others are pretty gruesome and outright disgusting. For example, the comparison of an old lady with some chunky, orange-colored pastry coated with what looks like syrup, really makes you lose your appetite. It is a wonder how they decided to use such an unappealing picture to promote an annual food show of the National Restaurant Association. (Photo by Brandon Voges)
17 Oct 2014 07:00:00
Living Paintings By Alexa Meade

Creators of Mini Cooper continue on with their innovative way of promoting their product. First, it was the huge cardboard boxes, which looked like packaging for full sized Mini Coopers, left all over Amsterdam. Now they’ve hired a famous artist Alexa Meade, who is known for making 3-D objects look as if they are 2-D paintings. For this project, Alexa had to fly to Japan, where she turned a whole Mini Cooper into a “drawing”. Even if you know that what you’re seeing on the picture are 3-D objects, your brain refuses to accept this, making you think that Alexa is standing near a sloppy picture of a Mini Cooper.
13 Nov 2014 13:48:00
Art Prints By Robson Borges

Robson Borges is a 32 year old illustrator from Brazil. In his illustrations you will see everything from nature, animals, skylines of buildings and much more. The great thing about Borges’ illustration style is the way that he uses the background and objects together to frame his art. You can see a ton of his great prints for sale on society6, as well as in places like Threadless and DesignByHumans. So check out these great art prints and check out more of his apparel designs and art prints through the links below.
17 Aug 2013 06:59:00
Invisible Empire

This visually striking photo series by Juna Helminen captures an unsettling portrait that really doesn't fail to creep the living hell out of me. But I digress, I think its absolutely beautiful work by the Helsinki based artist who goes by the name of Immanuel on Deviantart. There are some really subtle undertones in this series, including fanaticism and loss of individuality. The lighting in these photographs, as well as the compositions are pretty damn amazing as well...If you like the surreal movies of Tarsem or played any of the Silent Hill games..Or are just looking to be creeped out, you'll love the rest of the images from this series after the break.
15 Jun 2012 16:51:00