The Dynasphere, an electrically-driven wheel, invented by Mr. J. A. Purves of Taunton and his son. It had 2.5 horse power and once attained a speed of 25 mph. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). 1932
Former U.S. Vice presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) greets some of the thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts and military veterans participating in 'Rolling Thunder' rally May 29, 2011 in Arlington, Virginia. Although not an official guest, former U.S. Vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor Sarah Palin is expected to participate in today's motorcycle parade from the Pentagon to the National Mall.
Hundreds of onlookers descended upon White Rock beach, just south of Vancouver, Canada, on June 12, 2012 to mourn a beached whale that died on the sandy tidal flats. (Photo by Nick Procaylo/PNG/PNG Merlin Archive)
The Burney, a new streamlined car on the London streets, designed by Sir Denniston Burney who was responsible for the design of the R100 (R 100) airship. The engine is in the rear. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images). 15th September 1930