Locals light firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, in Chennai, India on November 12, 2023. (Photo by Idrees Mohammed/EPA/EFE)
Members of Tom Maior Special Group samba school perform during the carnival parade at the Anhembi Sambadrome in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22 February 2020. Carnival is the biggest and most popular celebration in Brazil. (Photo by Sebastiao Moreira/EPA/EFE)
Russian people walk during heavy rain in Moscow, Russia on 17 September 2020. Over two hours a third of the monthly average rainfall fell in Moscow. (Photo by Yuri Kochetkov/EPA/EFE)
A man shows golf ball-size hail outside Parliament House after a severe hail storm hit Canberra, Australia, 20 January 2020. (Photo by Mick Tsikas/EPA/EFE)
Customers are seen in front of a shop that reopened in central Copenhagen, Denmark, 01 March 2021. Shops reopened after several months of closure due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Philip Davali/EPA/EFE)
Policemen escort a Femen activist who broke into a rally of Franco's dictatorship regimen followers in Madrid, Spain, 28 March 2021. (Photo by Zipi/EPA/EFE)
Tourists and locals apply colour dust to each other as they celebrate Holi festival in Kolkata, Eastern India, 28 March 2021. (Photo by Piyal Adhikary/EPA/EFE)