Locals light firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, in Chennai, India on November 12, 2023. (Photo by Idrees Mohammed/EPA/EFE)

Locals light firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, in Chennai, India on November 12, 2023. (Photo by Idrees Mohammed/EPA/EFE)
23 Nov 2023 00:25:00
Models get their makeup backstage during the Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev, Ukraine, 01 September 2020. (Photo by Sergey Dolzhenko/EPA/EFE)

Models get their makeup backstage during the Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev, Ukraine, 01 September 2020. (Photo by Sergey Dolzhenko/EPA/EFE)
09 Sep 2020 00:03:00
Members of Tom Maior Special Group samba school perform during the carnival parade at the Anhembi Sambadrome in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22 Febr​uary 2020. (Photo by Sebastiao Moreira/EPA/EFE)

Members of Tom Maior Special Group samba school perform during the carnival parade at the Anhembi Sambadrome in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22 Febr​uary 2020. Carnival is the biggest and most popular celebration in Brazil. (Photo by Sebastiao Moreira/EPA/EFE)
26 Feb 2020 00:01:00
Russian people walk during heavy rain in Moscow, Russia 17 September 2020. Over two hours a third of the monthly average rainfall fell in Moscow. (Photo by Yuri Kochetkov/EPA/EFE)

Russian people walk during heavy rain in Moscow, Russia on 17 September 2020. Over two hours a third of the monthly average rainfall fell in Moscow. (Photo by Yuri Kochetkov/EPA/EFE)
26 Sep 2020 00:03:00
A man shows golf ball-size hail outside Parliament House after a severe hail storm hit Canberra, Australia, 20 January 2020. (Photo by Mick Tsikas/EPA/EFE)

A man shows golf ball-size hail outside Parliament House after a severe hail storm hit Canberra, Australia, 20 January 2020. (Photo by Mick Tsikas/EPA/EFE)
29 Dec 2020 00:05:00
Customers are seen in front of a shop that reopened in central Copenhagen, Denmark, 01 March 2021. Shops reopened after several months of closure due to the coronavirus COVID-19  pandemic. (Photo by Philip Davali/EPA/EFE)

Customers are seen in front of a shop that reopened in central Copenhagen, Denmark, 01 March 2021. Shops reopened after several months of closure due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Philip Davali/EPA/EFE)
02 Mar 2021 09:20:00
Policemen escort a Femen activist who broke into a rally of Franco's dictatorship regimen followers in Madrid, Spain, 28 March 2021. (Photo by Zipi/EPA/EFE)

Policemen escort a Femen activist who broke into a rally of Franco's dictatorship regimen followers in Madrid, Spain, 28 March 2021. (Photo by Zipi/EPA/EFE)
29 Mar 2021 09:20:00
Tourists and locals apply colour dust to each other as they celebrate Holi festival in Kolkata, Eastern India, 28 March 2021. (Photo by Piyal Adhikary/EPA/EFE)

Tourists and locals apply colour dust to each other as they celebrate Holi festival in Kolkata, Eastern India, 28 March 2021. (Photo by Piyal Adhikary/EPA/EFE)
05 Apr 2021 08:44:00