Talented French artist, Pierre Beteille, is skillful in manipulation of portraits (specially his own self portraits) using Photoshop. This is how he describes himself: “I am not a photographer or an artist, I just make images… I shoot very average or even bad photos that I try to improve thanks to Photoshop”…
Photo: “En attendant d'avoir des balles”...., 2007 (Photo by Pierre Beteille)
Erik Johansson is a Swedish photographer and professional retouch artist who likes to create breathtaking photo manipulations from his photographs by using his creative ideas. Photo manipulation or Photoshopping, as most of people know it, is the application of image editing techniques used by professionals as well as amateurs. Today, there are large numbers of numerous photo editing software available in the market. Erik Johansson graduated with a degree in computer engineering, but his passion is photography and he wonderfully mixed photography with creative Photoshopping. You can see in the images below that how beautifully he has created different moments from various fields of life. Erik Johansson lives and work in Berlin, Germany.
These images by Buenos Aires-based graphic design student Martín De Pasquale are so surreal that, obviously, you know they are photoshopped. But they are perfectly executed and very funny. To learn more about the artist and the art of photoshopping we suggest you to check out some of his behind the scenes photos in his Fotografía Imposible folder on Facebook.
Martin De Pasquale with his creative photographs. Here's a look at the incredible world of a digital artist who creates mind-bending works of art with Photoshop. (Photo by Martin De Pasquale/Caters News)