Morenada dancers perform during the “Senor del Gran Poder” (Lord of Great Power) parade in La Paz, May 21, 2016. (Photo by David Mercado/Reuters)

Morenada dancers perform during the “Senor del Gran Poder” (Lord of Great Power) parade in La Paz, May 21, 2016. (Photo by David Mercado/Reuters)
22 May 2016 07:25:00
Villa Del Priorato Di Malta - Secrets In Rome

What do you imagine when you look through a key hole? Do you imagine seeing a Wonderland with a sinister Queen of Heart ruling over a magical kingdom? Or you might imagine an eye staring back at you, if you’re a fan of horror movies. Least of all do you expect seeing a picturesque view of St. Peter’s Dome, perfectly framed by green hedges. Is it a lucky coincidence, or was it intended by the maker? We might never know. However, this became a curious sightseeing spot for many tourists who visit Rome. Thus, if you’re ever in the area of Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta, be sure to peep into this key hole.
27 Oct 2014 11:40:00
Hardangerfjorden, near Ullensvang. (Photo by Thomasz Furmanek/Caters News Agency)

Marine researcher Tomasz Furmanek, 44, from Bøjarnesveien, Norway, takes stunning images while kayaking through various fjords and lakes in the Scandinavian country. During Tomasz’s free time, he works as a freelance photographer traveling around the lakes, fjords and coastal regions of the beautiful country – and capturing breathtaking photographs. Here: Hardangerfjorden, near Ullensvang. (Photo by Thomasz Furmanek/Caters News Agency)
22 Oct 2018 00:05:00
High winds blow sand across the highway near the original north shore of Owens Lake

High winds blow sand across the highway near the original north shore of Owens Lake, now miles from the nearest pool of water, on May 5, 2007 near Lone Pine, California. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
28 Sep 2011 11:33:00
The Turquoise Ice Lake Baikal

Located in Siberia, Laka Baikal is the largest freshwater lake on the planet that contains approximately 20 percent of the Earth’s freshwater. Apart from being the oldest lake in the world at over 25 million years old, Lake Baikal is also home to over two thousand varieties of flora and fauna, of which almost 1,600 are endemic to the lake. The water of Lake Baikal is renowned for being some of the clearest in the world. When the lake freezes during the winter, an amazing phenomena takes place: large shards of transparent ice form on the surface of the lake, giving the amazing appearance of turquoise ice.
02 May 2014 09:21:00
[Lake Natron in Tanzania

Lake Natron is a salt lake located in northern Tanzania, close to the Kenyan border, in the eastern branch of the East African Rift. The lake is fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro River and also by mineral-rich hot springs. It is quite shallow, less than three meters (10 feet) deep, and varies in width depending on its water level, which changes due to high levels of evaporation, leaving concentrations of salt and other minerals, notably sodium carbonate (natron).
05 Jun 2013 10:29:00
Crescent Lake In China

Yueyaquan is a crescent-shaped lake in an oasis, 6 km south of the city of Dunhuang in Gansu Province, China. It was named Yueyaquan in the Qing Dynasty. According to measurements made in 1960, the average depth of the lake was 4 to 5 meters, with a maximum depth of 7.5 metres In the following 40 years, the depth of the lake continually declined. In the early 1990s, its area had shrunk to only 5,500 m2 with an average depth of 0.9 meter (maximum 1.3 meter). In 2006, the local government with help of the central government started to fill the lake and restore its depth; its depth and size have been growing yearly since then. The lake and the surrounding deserts are very popular with tourists, who are offered camel and 4x4 rides.
25 Jun 2013 10:29:00
The Two Level Lake Sorvagsvatn

Located on the island of Vagar, in the Faroe Islands, Lake Sorvagsvatn (also known as Leitisvatn) is an amazing lake. What makes the lake interesting is its two different levels. Covering an area of 3.4 square kilometers, it is the biggest lake of the Faroe Islands. Faroe Islands is a group of 18 islands that make Faroe Islands Archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean. The lake is located about 30 meters above the sea level.
19 Aug 2013 11:27:00