Underwater Sculpture, The Silent Evolution

“Jason deCaires Taylor is an English sculptor specialising in the creation of contemporary underwater sculptures which over time develop into artificial coral reefs. Taylor integrates his skills as a conservationist, underwater photographer and scuba diving instructor to produce unique installations that encourage the habitation and growth of corals and marine life”. – Wikipedia. Photo: “The Silent Evolution”. Underwater Sculpture, Museo Subacuático de Arte, Cancun. (Photo by Jason deCaires Taylor/UnderwaterSculpture)
26 Mar 2014 14:05:00
2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle marine life category, 3rd place. (Photo by Valda Fraser/

2014 Underwater Photography Photo Contest winners, Wide angle marine life category, 3rd place. (Photo by Valda Fraser/
14 Apr 2014 09:39:00
Novice DSLR, 2nd Place. “Smile of a Friend”, American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Jucaro, Cuba. (Photo by Antonio Pastrana/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Novice DSLR (Digital single-lens reflex camera), 2nd Place. “Smile of a Friend”, American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Jucaro, Cuba. (Photo by Antonio Pastrana/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)
21 Jan 2019 00:05:00
Lost City Shicheng found Underwater in China

Qiandao Lake (Chinese: 千島湖, lit. Thousand Island Lake), a man-made lake located in Chun'an County, Zhejiang, China, formed after the completion of the Xin'an River hydroelectric station in 1959. 1,078 large islands dot the lake and a few thousand smaller ones are scattered across it. The lake covers an area of 573 km² and has a storage capacity of 17.8 km³. The islands in the lake cover about 86 km²
07 Feb 2014 13:25:00
British underwater photographer of the year 2021, British waters wide angle category winner and My Backyard category winner. While You Sleep by Mark Kirkland (UK), common frog taken in Malls Mire, Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo by Mark Kirkland/Underwater Photographer of the Year 2021)

British underwater photographer of the year 2021, British waters wide angle category winner and My Backyard category winner. While You Sleep by Mark Kirkland (United Kingdom), common frog taken in Malls Mire, Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo by Mark Kirkland/Underwater Photographer of the Year 2021)
13 Feb 2021 10:27:00
Underwater photographer of the year 2020 and wide angle category winner: Frozen Mobile Home by Greg Lecoeur (France) in the Antarctic peninsula, Antarctica. Crabeater seals swim around an iceberg. These massive and mysterious habitats are dynamic kingdoms that support marine life. As they swing and rotate slowly through polar currents, icebergs fertilise the oceans by carrying nutrients from land that spark blooms of phytoplankton, fundamental to the carbon cycle. (Photo by Greg Lecoeur/Underwater Photographer of the Year 2020)

Underwater photographer of the year 2020 and wide angle category winner: Frozen Mobile Home by Greg Lecoeur (France) in the Antarctic peninsula, Antarctica. Crabeater seals swim around an iceberg. These massive and mysterious habitats are dynamic kingdoms that support marine life. As they swing and rotate slowly through polar currents, icebergs fertilise the oceans by carrying nutrients from land that spark blooms of phytoplankton, fundamental to the carbon cycle. (Photo by Greg Lecoeur/Underwater Photographer of the Year 2020)
28 Feb 2020 00:05:00
13 May 2012 21:37:00
03 Sep 2012 08:36:00