The 7th annual competition, one of the most prestigious nature photo contests organized by the Underwater Photography Guide, attracted a high caliber of photos from waters around the world and showcases the best underwater photographs of the year. Here: Best in Show and 1st Place, Marine Life Behavior. Courting spinetail devil rays (Mobula japanica), Honda Bay, Palawan, the Philippines, Sulu Sea. (Photo by Duncan Murrell /The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

1st Place, Wide-Angle Category. “Gentle Giants”, Humback whale and her calf in Saint-Gilles, Reunion Island (Megaptera novaeangliae). (Photo by Francois Baelen /The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

2nd Place, Wide-Angle Category. “Paddle Boarders Sunset”, Ha’apai, Tonga. (Photo by Grant Thomas/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

1st Place, Macro. “Ancistrocheirus” Sharp-eared enope squid (Ancistricheirus leseurii) in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. (Photo by Jeff Milisen/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

2nd Place, Marine Life Behavior. “The Fight”, Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) in Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia. (Photo by Anders Nyberg/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

1st Place, Portrait. “Chimaera”, Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) in Hurst Island, Canada. (Photo by Claudio Zori/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

2nd Place, Portrait. “Croc in the Mist”, American Crocodile in Banco Chinchorro, Mexico. (Photo by Christina Barringer/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Cold Water, 1st Place. “Grey Seal Face” Grey Seal. (Photo by Greg Lecoeur/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Cold Water, 2nd Place. “Burst”, California sea lion in the kelp forest in Monterey Bay. (Photo by Tyler Schiffman/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Nudibranchs, 1st Place. “Inside the Eggs”, Favorinus pacificus and eggs in Anilao, Philippines. (Photo by Flavio Vailati/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Nudibranchs, 2nd Place. “Polycera quadrilineata posing” (Polycera quadrilineata) in Norway. (Photo by Fredrik Ehrenstršm/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Supermacro, 1st Place. “Hairy Flames” Hairy Shrimp in Anilao, Philippines. (Photo by Edison So/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Supermacro, 2nd Place. “Porcelain Bloom”, Porcelain Crab in Anilao, Philippines. (Photo by Wayne Jones/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Novice DSLR, 1st Place. “Special Encounter”, Oceanic Manta Ray in Socorro, Mexico. (Photo by Alvin Cheung/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Novice DSLR, 2nd Place. “Smile of a Friend”, American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Jucaro, Cuba. (Photo by Antonio Pastrana/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Mirrorless Wide-Angle, 1st Place. “Atlantic Spotted Dolphins” in Bimini, Bahamas. (Photo by Eugene Kitsios/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Mirrorless Wide-Angle, 2nd Place. “Team Solomon” in the Solomon Islands. (Photo by Pier Mane/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Mirrorless Macro, 2nd Place. “Bubble Life”, Boergeseniaforbesii (Siphonocladales) in Green Island, Taiwan. (Photo by Owen Yen/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Mirrorless Behavior, 1st Place. “My Babies” Yellowtail clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) oxygenating its eggs in Amami Oshima Island, Japan. (Photo by Fabrice Dudenhofer/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Mirrorless Behavior, 2nd Place. “Schools of Schools”, Carcharias taurus (a.k.a. sand tiger shark) in Morehead City, N.C. (Photo by Debbie Wallace/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Compact Wide-Angle, 1st Place. “Dancing Jellyfish” in North-East Coast, Taiwan. (Photo by Melody Chuang/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Compact Wide-Angle, 2nd Place. “Coral”, Octocoral (eunicella singularis and Eunicella Cavolini) in Argentario, Argentarola, Italy. (Photo by Andrea Falcomatà/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Compact Behavior, 1st Place. “Cannibal Crab”, Spider Crabs in Victoria, Australia. (Photo by P.T. Hirschfield/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Compact Behavior, 2nd Place, “Hungry” in Grand Anse, Reunion Island. (Photo by Miguel Ramirez/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

nderwater Art, 1st Place. “Disco Nudi” (Hypselodoris bullocki nudibranch) in Bali, Indonesia. (Photo by Bruno Van Saen/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Underwater Art, 2nd Place. “Two Worlds Collide” in Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay, NSW, Australia. (Photo by Jordan Robins/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Reefscapes, 1st Place. “Mangrove”, Soft coral grows on mangrove roots in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. (Photo by Yen-Yi Lee/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)

Reefscapes, 2nd Place. “Sunspit” in Red Sea, Egypt. (Photo by Tobias Friedrich/The Ocean Art 2018 Underwater Photography Competition)
21 Jan 2019 00:05:00,
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