
“The Southern Tamandua, Collared Anteater or Lesser Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) is a species of anteater from South America. It is a solitary animal, found in many habitats from mature to highly disturbed secondary forests and arid savannas. It feeds on ants, termites and bees. It has very strong foreclaws that can be used to break insect nests or to defend itself”. – Wikipedia

Photo: A three-month-old baby Southern Tamandua “Konbu” lies on its mother Tae's back at Sunshine International Aquarium on July 7, 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. Baby Southern Tamandua feels safe and comfortable holding onto something and normally stays on the mother's back until around 3 months old. (Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images)
19 May 2011 10:31:00
Cats That Look Like Pin Up Girls

The 'Cats that Look like Pin-Up Girls' Tumblr features a variety of similarly posed felines. Once the pinnacle of female sexuality, pin-up girls have changed and evolved throughout the years to become the modern day Playboy Bunnies and Sports Illustrated models they are now recognized as.
04 Dec 2013 20:07:00
Men In Black 3 Special Effects Make-Up

Even if Men in Black 3‘s story turns out to be a complete disaster, at least the makeup special effects will be quality. Photos show that makeup artist guru Rick Baker has once again worked his magic, and there are going to be more fun aliens this time around. The set photos also show that, as expected, Jemaine Clement‘s villain has some creepy peepers hiding behind his aviator sunglasses. Men in Black 3 opens in 3D on May 25th. (Photo by Stark Industries)
23 Apr 2012 13:36:00

“The telectroscope (also referred to as “electroscope”) was the first non-working prototype (i.e. conceptual model) of a television or videophone system. The term was used in the 19th century to describe science-based systems of distant seeing. The name and its concept came into being not long after the telephone was patented in 1876, and its original concept evolved from that of remote facsimile reproductions onto paper, into the live viewing of remote images”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Visitors to London wave to people they can see in New York as they peer through the Telectroscope situated by Tower Bridge on May 23, 2008 in London, England. The device named the Telectroscope provides a live visual link up between London and New York, to another Telectroscope by Brooklyn Bridge. (Photo by Cate Gillon/Getty Images)
16 Sep 2011 12:19:00
Picture by Guzelian GUZELIAN: SAY BANANAS! COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY A MONKEY GO UNDER THE HAMMER. A collection of one-of-a-kind photographs is set to go under the hammer - so unique because the set was taken by a CHIMPANZEE. The pictures, which will be sold at Sotheby's Auction House, London, on June 5, are expected to fetch between £50,000 - £70,000.

“As is probably stated somewhere in the theory of infinity, if you give an infinite amount of monkeys an infinite number of old-timey Polaroid cameras, one will eventually take “artistic” blurry photos of historical sites in Moscow which will then be auctioned at Sotheby's for an estimated $75,000 – $100,000. Fortunately for every simian art fan with a spare $100k, we are currently living in the very universe in which that concept is reality. Eighteen photographs by – and of – Mikki The Chimpanzee are going to auction on June 5, 2013”. – Callie Beusman via (Photo by Guzelian)
21 May 2013 09:31:00
A runner taking part in the 38th Annual Empire State Building Run-Up is pictured arriving on the 86th floor in the Manhattan borough of New York February 4, 2015. (Photo by Carlo Allegri/Reuters)

A runner taking part in the 38th Annual Empire State Building Run-Up is pictured arriving on the 86th floor in the Manhattan borough of New York February 4, 2015. (Photo by Carlo Allegri/Reuters)
06 Feb 2015 13:30:00
A child wades through the mud next to a grave inside the flooded cemetery in Los Loros town, April 7, 2015. The death toll from heavy rains and flooding that battered Chile last week has risen to 29, with another 150 still missing, according to authorities. (Photo by Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)

A child wades through the mud next to a grave inside the flooded cemetery in Los Loros town, April 7, 2015. The death toll from heavy rains and flooding that battered Chile last week has risen to 29, with another 150 still missing, according to authorities. (Photo by Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
08 Apr 2015 10:54:00
A driver steers a lorry laden with bags of plastic bottles across a recycling yard at the outskirts of Beijing, China, August 19, 2016. (Photo by Thomas Peter/Reuters)

A driver steers a lorry laden with bags of plastic bottles across a recycling yard at the outskirts of Beijing, China, August 19, 2016. As authorities try to control Beijing's burgeoning population and capitalize on skyrocketing land prices, scrap collectors say they are being pushed out despite playing a vital role in China's unique recycling ecosystem. (Photo by Thomas Peter/Reuters)
26 Nov 2016 10:39:00