A combination photo shows the faces of various attendees of New York Comic Con in Manhattan, New York, October 8, 2015. The event draws thousands of costumed fans, panels of pop culture luminaries and features a sprawling floor of vendors in a space equivalent to more than three football fields at the Jacob Javits Convention Center on Manhattan's West side. (Photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters)

A combination photo shows the faces of various attendees of New York Comic Con in Manhattan, New York, October 8, 2015. The event draws thousands of costumed fans, panels of pop culture luminaries and features a sprawling floor of vendors in a space equivalent to more than three football fields at the Jacob Javits Convention Center on Manhattan's West side. (Photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters)
12 Oct 2015 08:02:00
Funny Ad - Snickers Mr Bean, Video

Check out the new Snickers TV ad where Mr Bean demonstrates that you’re not Kung Fu when you’re hungry.
22 Oct 2014 11:35:00
Funny Hand-Drawn Cat Facial Expressions

Cats are known for their bored and apathetic demeanor and expressions. Redditor and pet owner, Luke – Hero didn’t let that curtail his creative streak – he drew funny expressions for his cat instead. Amazingly, the cat looks pretty cooperative in this collection of grin-inducing pictures.
17 Feb 2016 08:06:00
Fun With Face Swaps Part 1

The internet has been awash with face swaps for years — here’s our contribution to the art of creating nightmares with Photoshop.
01 Jun 2014 11:01:00

Tsar Alexander II (1818–1881) known as “The Liberator” lying in state. He was mortally wounded by an assassination attack in St Petersburg. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). March 1881
31 Jan 2014 10:19:00

Two guards perform an execution in China, one holding the gun, the other holding a mask over the victim's face. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1925
23 Jun 2011 10:43:00
Funny Photography By Adrian Sommeling Part 2

Adrian Sommeling is a superb talented photographer and photo manipulator, who shoot amazing photographs with humour and creative.

See also: Funny Photography By Adrian Sommeling Part 1
14 Jun 2014 12:11:00
Funny Cartoons By Lucas Levitan Part 2

Being able to look at this world in a different light is the main thing that distinguishes a true artist from a common person. We can clearly see that Lucas Levitan is a true artist despite the crude drawings that he makes. By hunting through thousands of photos that people post on Instagram, he finds the ones that might have a completely different, surprising, and comical theme. For example, a sensual photo of lady’s eyelashes is transformed into a scene in which a farmer is harvesting his crops. This is imagination at its finest, which is why the art works of Lucas Levitan are so interesting to look at. (Photo by Lucas Levitan)
04 Jan 2015 12:39:00